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Care Plan for Visual Function

Care Plan for Visual Function

Category / Primary Body System

  • Sensory System / Vision


  • Patient has alteration in visual function.


  • Patient will not have vision-related injuries for 90 days.


  1. Medication and Treatment

    • Administer eye medications as ordered
    • Arrange eye consults as ordered
  2. Safety and Environment

    • Ensure patient wears eyeglasses if needed
    • Keep patient’s room free from clutter
    • Ensure call light is within reach
  3. Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

    • Assist with ADLs as needed
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Educate patient and family on safety measures and the importance of wearing eyeglasses


  1. Medication and Treatment

    • Proper administration of eye medications and regular eye consultations help manage the underlying visual problems and prevent deterioration.
  2. Safety and Environment

    • Ensuring a clutter-free environment and making assistive devices readily available reduces the risk of falls and injuries.
    • Keeping the call light within reach allows the patient to easily call for help when needed.
  3. Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

    • Assisting with ADLs ensures that the patient can safely perform necessary daily activities without risking injury.
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Educating the patient and family about the importance of safety measures and wearing eyeglasses ensures adherence to the care plan and promotes a safe environment.


  1. Medication and Treatment

    • Administer eye medications according to the prescribed schedule and monitor for effectiveness and side effects.
    • Schedule and facilitate eye consults to ensure regular monitoring and management of the patient’s visual condition.
  2. Safety and Environment

    • Ensure the patient wears their eyeglasses as prescribed, checking for proper fit and comfort.
    • Maintain a clutter-free environment in the patient’s room to prevent falls and injuries.
    • Ensure the call light is always within the patient’s reach and functional, checking its accessibility regularly.
  3. Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

    • Assist the patient with ADLs as needed, providing support with tasks such as bathing, dressing, and mobility to prevent injury.
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Provide education to the patient and family on the importance of wearing eyeglasses and maintaining a safe environment.
    • Offer resources and information on how to adapt the home environment to support the patient’s visual needs.
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