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Care Plan for Psychotropic Drug Use

Care Plan for Psychotropic Drug Use

Category / Primary Body System

  • Mental Health / Nervous System


  • Patient is at risk for complications due to psychotropic drug use.


  • Patient will be maintained on the least possible effective dose of psychotropic medication without experiencing side effects for 90 days.


  1. Medication Management

    • Administer psychotropic medications as ordered
    • Monitor patient for the effectiveness of psychotropic medications
    • Monitor patient for side effects of psychotropic medications
    • Check lab values as ordered
  2. Consultations and Evaluations

    • Provide psych consult as ordered
    • Conduct pharmacy evaluation of medications as needed
    • Perform AIMS (Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale) assessments per protocol if antipsychotic medications are used
  3. Behavioral Monitoring

    • Monitor for behavior changes that are not baseline for the patient and notify MD/RNP if any


  1. Medication Management

    • Administering medications as prescribed ensures the patient receives the appropriate treatment for their condition.
    • Regular monitoring of medication effectiveness helps in adjusting the dosage to the minimum effective level, reducing the risk of side effects.
    • Monitoring for side effects is crucial to identify and address adverse reactions promptly, ensuring patient safety.
    • Regular lab tests help monitor the patient’s physiological response to the medication and detect any potential complications early.
  2. Consultations and Evaluations

    • Psych consultations provide additional insights and recommendations for managing the patient’s condition effectively.
    • Pharmacy evaluations ensure that the medication regimen is optimal and that drug interactions or contraindications are identified and managed.
    • AIMS assessments help in detecting early signs of tardive dyskinesia, a potential side effect of antipsychotic medications.
  3. Behavioral Monitoring

    • Monitoring for behavioral changes helps in identifying early signs of adverse effects or worsening of the patient’s condition, enabling timely intervention.


  1. Medication Management

    • Administer psychotropic medications according to the prescribed schedule and dosage.
    • Monitor and document the effectiveness of the medications, using standardized scales if applicable.
    • Observe for and document any side effects, reporting them to the prescribing physician promptly.
    • Conduct regular lab tests as ordered, reviewing and acting on the results to ensure safe medication use.
  2. Consultations and Evaluations

    • Arrange for psych consultations as ordered to provide comprehensive care.
    • Facilitate pharmacy evaluations to review and optimize the medication regimen.
    • Perform AIMS assessments regularly if the patient is on antipsychotic medications, documenting findings and reporting any concerns.
  3. Behavioral Monitoring

    • Monitor the patient’s behavior for any changes from their baseline, noting any new or worsening symptoms.
    • Notify the MD/RNP immediately of any significant behavioral changes or concerns.
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