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Care Plan for Managing Allergies

Care Plan for Managing Allergies

Category / Primary Body System

  • Respiratory / Immune System


  • Resident has allergies.


  • Resident will be free of signs and symptoms of allergies for the next 90 days.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Monitor for signs and symptoms of allergies, including nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing, itchy/running eyes, sinus congestion and pain, headache, sore/itchy throat, cough, and wheezing.
    • Notify the MD immediately if any allergy symptoms are observed.
  2. Environmental Control

    • Encourage keeping windows closed during summer and fall to reduce allergen exposure.
    • Wash bed linens and pillowcases frequently to remove allergens.
    • Perform daily dusting of the resident's room to minimize dust accumulation.
    • Keep knick-knacks to a minimum to reduce dust collection.
  3. Fluid Intake

    • Encourage adequate fluid intake to help keep mucous membranes moist and reduce the severity of allergy symptoms.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Regular monitoring allows for early detection and prompt intervention, reducing the severity and duration of allergy symptoms.
  2. Environmental Control

    • Controlling the environment by minimizing exposure to allergens helps prevent allergy flare-ups and improve overall comfort.
  3. Fluid Intake

    • Adequate hydration helps maintain mucosal integrity and clear allergens from the respiratory tract.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Assess the resident daily for allergy symptoms, documenting any findings and notifying the MD of any changes.
    • Monitor respiratory status to ensure there are no signs of wheezing or respiratory distress.
  2. Environmental Control

    • Ensure windows are kept closed during high allergen seasons, such as summer and fall.
    • Schedule frequent washing of bed linens and pillowcases, at least once a week.
    • Perform daily dusting of the resident's room, focusing on surfaces that tend to collect dust.
    • Limit the number of knick-knacks in the room to reduce dust accumulation.
  3. Fluid Intake

    • Encourage the resident to drink fluids regularly, providing a variety of hydrating options and ensuring the resident has access to water at all times.
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