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Care Plan for Managing Actual Skin Breakdown

Care Plan for Managing Actual Skin Breakdown

Category / Primary Body System

  • Integumentary System


  • Patient has actual skin breakdown.


  • Patient’s skin breakdown will heal without complications in 90 days.


  1. Treatment and Medication

    • Perform treatment as ordered by the healthcare provider to ensure proper care of the skin breakdown.
    • Administer medications as ordered to manage pain, prevent infection, and promote healing.
  2. Nutrition

    • Provide diet as ordered, ensuring it includes nutrients essential for skin healing such as protein, vitamins A and C, and zinc.
    • Encourage fluid intake if not contraindicated to maintain skin hydration and overall health.
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation

    • Evaluate the progress of treatment weekly, documenting the condition of the skin and any changes.
    • Monitor the skin breakdown for increased drainage and odor, and notify the MD/RNP as needed to address potential infection or complications.
  4. Pressure Relief

    • Use a pressure-relieving mattress at all times to reduce pressure on the affected area and prevent further breakdown.


  1. Treatment and Medication

    • Proper treatment and medication management are crucial for promoting healing, preventing infection, and managing pain associated with skin breakdown.
  2. Nutrition

    • Adequate nutrition and hydration are essential for tissue repair and overall health, aiding the healing process of skin breakdown.
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation

    • Regular monitoring and evaluation allow for timely identification and management of complications, ensuring the treatment plan is effective.
  4. Pressure Relief

    • Reducing pressure on the affected area prevents further damage and supports the healing process.


  1. Treatment and Medication

    • Perform wound care treatments as ordered, following sterile technique and documenting the procedure.
    • Administer prescribed medications, including pain management and antibiotics if necessary, monitoring for effectiveness and side effects.
  2. Nutrition

    • Provide a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to support healing.
    • Encourage fluid intake, monitoring for signs of dehydration and contraindications.
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation

    • Assess the wound weekly, documenting size, depth, drainage, and any signs of infection.
    • Notify the MD/RNP of any changes or concerns, particularly increased drainage or odor.
  4. Pressure Relief

    • Ensure the patient uses a pressure-relieving mattress, positioning them to reduce pressure on the affected area.
    • Reposition the patient every two hours to further alleviate pressure and promote circulation.
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