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Care Plan for Maintaining Independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Care Plan for Maintaining Independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Category / Primary Body System

  • General Care


  • Resident is independent with activities of daily living (ADLs) but needs staff monitoring.


  • Resident will maintain current ADL function without decline for the next 90 days.


  1. Set-Up and Assistance

    • Set resident up for ADLs as needed twice daily (BID) to ensure they have all necessary supplies and support.
  2. Monitoring and Support

    • Monitor for episodes of acute illness or weakness and provide extra assistance as necessary to prevent any decline in function.
    • Encourage the resident to report any decline in ability to facilitate timely intervention.
    • Offer PT/OT assessments for any noted declines in ADL function to provide specialized support and interventions.
  3. Supplies and Hygiene

    • Provide supplies as needed (soaps, lotion, etc.) and monitor to ensure they are resupplied as necessary.
    • Encourage complete personal care, providing reminders for mouth care, brushing hair, peri-care, lotion application, positional changes, active mobility, rest as needed, and nail care.
  4. Bathing and Grooming

    • Ensure the resident has a full body bath or shower at least once a week, and as needed or desired.
    • Ensure that clothes are clean and in good repair to maintain dignity and comfort.
  5. Specialized Services

    • Provide PRN services, including dental, podiatry, audiology, and hairdresser as needed to maintain overall health and hygiene.
    • Nail care by resident, CNA, nurses, or beauty shop as appropriate.
  6. Privacy and Dignity

    • Check frequently on needs, but ensure it is not intrusive to respect the resident’s independence and privacy.
    • Keep the call bell within reach, encourage its use, and answer promptly to ensure the resident can easily communicate their needs.
    • Provide privacy by always knocking and waiting for a response before entering the resident’s room.


  1. Set-Up and Assistance

    • Providing set-up and assistance twice daily ensures the resident has what they need to complete ADLs independently, promoting self-sufficiency and preventing unnecessary decline.
  2. Monitoring and Support

    • Monitoring for acute illness or weakness and encouraging reporting of any decline allows for timely intervention and support, preventing further decline.
  3. Supplies and Hygiene

    • Ensuring the resident has necessary supplies and encouraging complete personal care maintains hygiene, comfort, and health.
  4. Bathing and Grooming

    • Regular bathing and ensuring clothes are clean and in good repair maintain hygiene, dignity, and comfort.
  5. Specialized Services

    • Providing specialized services as needed ensures comprehensive care, addressing all aspects of the resident’s health and well-being.
  6. Privacy and Dignity

    • Frequent checks that are not intrusive, keeping the call bell within reach, and ensuring privacy respect the resident’s independence and dignity.


  1. Set-Up and Assistance

    • Assist the resident with ADL set-up twice daily, ensuring they have all necessary supplies and support.
  2. Monitoring and Support

    • Monitor for signs of acute illness or weakness, providing additional assistance as needed.
    • Encourage the resident to report any declines in ability and document any changes.
    • Facilitate PT/OT assessments for any noted declines to provide specialized interventions.
  3. Supplies and Hygiene

    • Ensure the resident has all necessary personal care supplies and monitor for the need to resupply.
    • Provide reminders for personal care tasks, ensuring they are completed regularly.
  4. Bathing and Grooming

    • Schedule and assist with a full body bath or shower weekly, and as needed or desired.
    • Ensure the resident’s clothes are clean and in good repair, assisting as needed.
  5. Specialized Services

    • Coordinate PRN services such as dental, podiatry, audiology, and hairdressing appointments.
    • Provide or supervise nail care as appropriate, ensuring it is done regularly.
  6. Privacy and Dignity

    • Check on the resident’s needs frequently, ensuring not to be intrusive.
    • Place the call bell within easy reach and respond promptly to any calls.
    • Respect the resident’s privacy by knocking and waiting for a response before entering their room.
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