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Care Plan for Ileostomy

Care Plan for Ileostomy

Category / Primary Body System

  • Gastrointestinal System


  • Patient is at risk for complications due to ileostomy.


  1. Patient will have no skin breakdown for 90 days.
  2. Ileostomy will remain functional for 90 days.


  1. Skin Care and Monitoring

    • Monitor for skin irritations and breakdown around the stoma site
    • Maintain a clean and dry area around the ileostomy
  2. Ileostomy Function Monitoring

    • Monitor ileostomy drainage for consistency, color, and amount
    • Ensure ileostomy appliance is functioning properly and fitting securely
  3. Nutritional Management

    • Provide nutritional evaluation and guidance as needed
    • Encourage adequate fluid intake to prevent dehydration
  4. Patient Education and Support

    • Educate the patient on proper ileostomy care techniques
    • Encourage verbalization of concerns or issues related to ileostomy care
    • Provide resources and support for ongoing ileostomy management


  1. Skin Care and Monitoring

    • Regular monitoring and maintaining cleanliness around the stoma site prevent skin irritation and breakdown, reducing the risk of infection.
  2. Ileostomy Function Monitoring

    • Monitoring the ileostomy output ensures it remains functional and helps detect potential complications early.
    • Proper appliance fitting prevents leaks and skin irritation, promoting comfort and function.
  3. Nutritional Management

    • Nutritional evaluation ensures the patient’s diet supports overall health and ileostomy function.
    • Adequate fluid intake is crucial to prevent dehydration, a common risk for ileostomy patients.
  4. Patient Education and Support

    • Educating the patient on ileostomy care empowers them to manage their condition effectively, reducing anxiety and promoting self-care.
    • Providing emotional support helps the patient adjust to life with an ileostomy, improving quality of life.


  1. Skin Care and Monitoring

    • Assess the skin around the stoma daily for any signs of redness, irritation, or breakdown.
    • Clean the area around the stoma with mild soap and water, ensuring it is dry before applying a new appliance.
    • Use skin barriers and protective products as recommended to prevent irritation.
  2. Ileostomy Function Monitoring

    • Check ileostomy output at least every shift, noting the color, consistency, and volume.
    • Ensure the ileostomy appliance is securely attached and functioning properly, replacing it as needed.
    • Educate the patient on signs of appliance malfunction and when to seek assistance.
  3. Nutritional Management

    • Schedule regular consultations with a dietitian to tailor the patient’s diet to their specific needs.
    • Encourage the patient to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, unless contraindicated.
    • Provide education on foods that may affect ileostomy function, such as high-fiber or gas-producing foods.
  4. Patient Education and Support

    • Teach the patient and caregivers proper techniques for changing and maintaining the ileostomy appliance.
    • Provide written materials and demonstrations on ileostomy care.
    • Offer regular check-ins to address any concerns or difficulties the patient may have with their ileostomy care.
    • Encourage participation in support groups or counseling for additional emotional support.
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