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Care Plan for Feeding Tube Placement

Category / Primary Body System:

Gastrointestinal / Nutritional Support


Patient is at risk for complications due to feeding tube placement.


The patient’s tube will remain patent for 90 days.


  1. Bed Elevation:

    • Step: Keep the head of the bed elevated 30-45 degrees at all times.
    • Rationale: Elevating the head of the bed helps prevent aspiration, a common complication in patients with feeding tubes.
    • Actions: Adjust the bed to maintain the required elevation consistently. Recheck the bed elevation during each shift.
  2. Intake and Output Monitoring:

    • Step: Record intake and output.
    • Rationale: Monitoring fluid balance is essential to assess hydration status and the effectiveness of feeding.
    • Actions: Document all fluid intake and output accurately, reviewing totals each shift to ensure balance.
  3. Medication Administration:

    • Step: Administer medications via tube as ordered.
    • Rationale: Ensuring accurate and timely administration of medications is crucial for the patient's treatment and recovery.
    • Actions: Prepare and administer medications through the feeding tube, following prescribed guidelines. Ensure the tube is flushed before and after medication administration.
  4. Laboratory Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor labs as ordered.
    • Rationale: Regular lab tests help track the patient’s nutritional status, electrolyte balance, and overall health, identifying any issues early.
    • Actions: Schedule and review lab tests as ordered, noting any abnormalities and reporting them to the healthcare provider.
  5. Aspiration Precaution:

    • Step: Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of aspiration and notify MD/NP as needed.
    • Rationale: Early detection of aspiration signs prevents serious respiratory complications.
    • Actions: Observe the patient for coughing, choking, or respiratory distress during and after feedings. Report any concerns immediately.
  6. Water Flushes:

    • Step: Administer free water flushes as ordered.
    • Rationale: Regular water flushes help maintain tube patency and ensure adequate hydration.
    • Actions: Flush the feeding tube with the prescribed amount of water before and after feedings and medications. Document each flush.
  7. Tube Patency Checks:

    • Step: Check tube for patency each shift.
    • Rationale: Ensuring the tube remains clear and functional prevents feeding interruptions and complications.
    • Actions: Verify tube patency by checking for resistance during flushing and feeding. Address any blockages as per protocol.
  8. Infection Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor tube site for signs and symptoms of infection each shift.
    • Rationale: Early detection of infection at the tube site is critical for prompt treatment and preventing systemic infection.
    • Actions: Inspect the tube insertion site for redness, swelling, discharge, or pain. Document findings and report any signs of infection.
  9. Tube Site Care:

    • Step: Administer treatment to the tube site as ordered.
    • Rationale: Proper care of the tube site prevents infection and ensures the site remains clean and healthy.
    • Actions: Clean and dress the tube site according to prescribed protocols. Apply any topical medications as ordered.
  10. Dietary Consultations:

    • Step: Arrange dietary consultations as needed.
    • Rationale: Professional dietary advice ensures the patient receives adequate and appropriate nutrition through the feeding tube.
    • Actions: Schedule consultations with a dietitian to review and adjust the patient's nutritional plan. Implement any dietary changes as recommended.
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