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Care Plan for Communication

Care Plan for Communication

Category / Primary Body System

  • Neurological System


  • Patient has alteration in communication related to [specific condition, e.g., stroke, aphasia, cognitive impairment].


  • Patient will continue to communicate basic needs when cued for 90 days.


  1. Communication Techniques

    • Use simple phrases and words when communicating with the patient.
    • Utilize an interpreter as needed for patients who speak a different language or have significant hearing loss.
    • Allow the patient ample time to express themselves without rushing them.
    • Use non-verbal forms of communication (e.g., gestures, pictures, communication boards) as appropriate.
  2. Family Involvement

    • Encourage family participation in the patient’s care to provide emotional support and enhance communication.
  3. Therapeutic Interventions

    • Arrange a speech therapy consult as needed to address specific communication impairments.
  4. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as ordered to manage any underlying conditions affecting communication.


  1. Communication Techniques

    • Using simple phrases and non-verbal communication helps reduce frustration and improves understanding for patients with communication difficulties.
    • Allowing time for the patient to express themselves ensures they are heard and understood, reducing anxiety and promoting effective communication.
    • An interpreter ensures accurate communication for non-English speakers or those with hearing impairments.
  2. Family Involvement

    • Involving family members provides additional support and familiarity, which can enhance the patient’s comfort and willingness to communicate.
  3. Therapeutic Interventions

    • Speech therapy provides targeted strategies and exercises to improve communication abilities.
  4. Medication Management

    • Proper medication management helps control conditions that may impair communication, such as neurological disorders or severe anxiety.


  1. Communication Techniques

    • Use clear, simple phrases and words when talking to the patient, and repeat or rephrase if needed.
    • Engage an interpreter for patients who require assistance with language or hearing.
    • Allow the patient ample time to respond during conversations, avoiding interruptions.
    • Incorporate non-verbal communication tools, such as gesture, pictures, or communication boards, to aid understanding and expression.
  2. Family Involvement

    • Encourage family members to be present and involved in care activities and communication, providing guidance on how to support the patient’s communication efforts.
    • Educate family members on effective communication strategies to use with the patient.
  3. Therapeutic Interventions

    • Schedule and follow through with speech therapy sessions, incorporating the therapist’s recommendations into daily care routines.
    • Document progress and any changes in the patient’s communication abilities, adjusting the care plan as needed.
  4. Medication Management

    • Administer prescribed medications on schedule, monitoring for effectiveness and side effects.
    • Review the patient’s medication regimen regularly with the healthcare team to ensure optimal management of conditions affecting communication.
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