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Care Plan for Cholecystitis Management

Care Plan for Cholecystitis Management

Category / Primary Body System

  • Digestive System


  • Potential for complications related to cholecystitis.


  • Patient will not experience any complications related to cholecystitis.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Monitor for abdominal pain and provide pain management as ordered
    • Monitor for fevers, nausea, vomiting, changes in skin color (jaundice), and changes in stool color; notify the MD immediately
    • Monitor lab results as ordered and report abnormalities to the MD
  2. Dietary Management

    • Consult with a dietitian to adjust the diet as needed
  3. Follow-Up Care

    • Ensure follow-up with surgical consultations as needed
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Educate the patient and family about signs and symptoms of complications and when to seek medical attention


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Regular monitoring for symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, and changes in stool color helps in early detection of complications, allowing for prompt intervention.
    • Timely reporting and management of lab results ensure that any deviations are addressed quickly, preventing further complications.
  2. Dietary Management

    • Consulting with a dietitian helps tailor the patient's diet to manage symptoms and promote recovery, reducing the risk of complications.
  3. Follow-Up Care

    • Ensuring follow-up with surgical consultations is essential for evaluating the need for surgical intervention and managing post-operative care if surgery is performed.
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Educating the patient and family helps them understand the condition, recognize early signs of complications, and know when to seek medical help, thereby preventing serious complications.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Assess the patient for abdominal pain regularly, administering pain medications as ordered and documenting the patient’s response.
    • Monitor for signs of infection such as fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, and changes in stool color. Notify the MD immediately if any of these symptoms occur.
    • Perform and review lab tests as ordered, such as liver function tests and complete blood count, and report any abnormalities to the MD.
  2. Dietary Management

    • Consult with a dietitian to develop a diet plan that minimizes fat intake and supports gallbladder health.
    • Provide dietary education to the patient, emphasizing the importance of following the recommended diet.
  3. Follow-Up Care

    • Schedule and coordinate surgical consultations as needed.
    • Ensure continuity of care by following up on any surgical interventions or recommendations.
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Educate the patient and family about the signs and symptoms of cholecystitis complications, such as severe pain, fever, and jaundice.
    • Provide written and verbal instructions on when to seek immediate medical attention.
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