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Care Plan for Behavior Problems

Care Plan for Behavior Problems

Category / Primary Body System

  • Psychological / Behavioral Health


  • Patient exhibits behavior problems as evidenced by (AEB) [specific behaviors, e.g., aggression, agitation, non-compliance].


  • Patient will not exhibit behavioral problems for 90 days.


  1. Behavioral Interventions

    • Redirect the patient calmly when exhibiting behavior problems
    • Do not argue with the patient when exhibiting behavior
  2. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as ordered
  3. Consultations

    • Psychiatric consult as ordered
  4. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Monitor lab levels as ordered
    • Monitor the patient for increased behavioral problems that are not altered by interventions and notify MD/RNP as needed
  5. Engagement and Activities

    • Encourage the patient to participate in diversional activities
  6. Safety and Environment

    • Provide a safe environment for the patient


  1. Behavioral Interventions

    • Calming redirection helps de-escalate situations without confrontation, reducing stress for the patient and staff.
    • Avoiding arguments prevents escalation and maintains a therapeutic environment.
  2. Medication Management

    • Administering medications as prescribed helps manage underlying conditions contributing to behavioral issues.
  3. Consultations

    • Psychiatric consultations provide specialized assessment and treatment recommendations for managing behavioral problems.
  4. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Regular lab monitoring can identify any physiological contributors to behavioral issues, allowing for timely intervention.
    • Monitoring behavior and notifying healthcare providers of persistent issues ensures that the care plan is adjusted as needed.
  5. Engagement and Activities

    • Diversional activities help occupy the patient's time and reduce the occurrence of problematic behaviors by providing positive outlets.
  6. Safety and Environment

    • Ensuring a safe environment protects the patient from harm and reduces triggers for behavioral issues.


  1. Behavioral Interventions

    • Calmly redirect the patient during episodes of behavioral problems, using a soothing and non-confrontational approach.
    • Avoid arguing with the patient, using techniques such as active listening and empathy to address concerns.
  2. Medication Management

    • Administer prescribed medications on schedule, monitoring for effectiveness and any side effects.
    • Document medication administration and patient response in the medical record.
  3. Consultations

    • Arrange for psychiatric consultations as ordered, ensuring follow-up on recommendations and treatments provided by the psychiatrist.
  4. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Perform lab tests as ordered, reviewing results and reporting any abnormalities to the healthcare provider.
    • Monitor and document behavioral changes, noting any patterns or triggers and reporting significant changes to the MD/RNP.
  5. Engagement and Activities

    • Encourage participation in diversional activities, such as arts and crafts, music therapy, or recreational therapy, tailored to the patient's interests.
    • Document participation and patient response to activities.
  6. Safety and Environment

    • Maintain a safe environment, removing potential hazards and ensuring the patient has access to calming spaces.
    • Implement safety protocols as needed to protect the patient and others.
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