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Care Plan for Abnormal Bleeding

Care Plan for Abnormal Bleeding

Category / Primary Body System

  • Hematological System


  • Resident is at risk for abdominal bleeding or bruising.


  • Resident will not exhibit any unusual bruising or bleeding for 90 days.


  1. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as ordered
  2. Skin and Bleeding Assessment

    • Conduct weekly skin assessments
    • Assess for abdominal bleeding/bruising daily
    • Monitor for signs of bleeding in stool, gums, emesis, sputum, and urine
  3. Lab Monitoring

    • Monitor lab results as ordered and report abnormalities to the physician
  4. Injection Site Management

    • Rotate injection sites to prevent localized bruising and bleeding
  5. Communication and Reporting

    • Notify the physician of any lab results, signs of bleeding, or bruising


  1. Medication Management

    • Proper administration of medications helps manage conditions and prevent complications that could lead to bleeding or bruising.
  2. Skin and Bleeding Assessment

    • Regular skin assessments and monitoring for signs of bleeding help detect and address issues early, preventing complications.
    • Monitoring for bleeding in various bodily excretions helps identify internal bleeding promptly.
  3. Lab Monitoring

    • Regular lab tests help monitor the patient's blood coagulation status and overall health, enabling timely interventions if abnormalities are detected.
  4. Injection Site Management

    • Rotating injection sites prevents tissue damage and reduces the risk of localized bruising and bleeding.
  5. Communication and Reporting

    • Promptly notifying the physician of any abnormalities ensures timely adjustments to the care plan and prevents complications.


  1. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as per the prescribed schedule, ensuring adherence to the treatment plan.
    • Monitor for and document any side effects of medications, especially those that increase the risk of bleeding.
  2. Skin and Bleeding Assessment

    • Conduct a comprehensive skin assessment weekly to check for signs of bruising or unusual marks.
    • Assess for abdominal bleeding or bruising daily, documenting findings and reporting any concerns immediately.
    • Monitor stool, gums, emesis, sputum, and urine for signs of bleeding and document findings.
  3. Lab Monitoring

    • Draw and analyze lab tests as ordered, such as complete blood count (CBC) and coagulation profile, reporting results to the physician.
    • Track and document lab results to identify trends or changes that may indicate a risk of bleeding.
  4. Injection Site Management

    • Rotate injection sites regularly, ensuring that each site has adequate time to heal before reuse.
    • Inspect injection sites for signs of bruising or bleeding and report any issues.
  5. Communication and Reporting

    • Notify the physician immediately of any abnormal lab results, signs of bleeding, or unusual bruising.
    • Maintain clear and accurate documentation of all assessments, findings, and communications with the healthcare team.
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