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Care Plan for BIPAP Use


  • I have Bipap use due to obstructive sleep apnea and/or restrictive lung disease.


  • I will maintain adequate oxygenation and controlled hypertension for 90 days.


  1. Set BIPAP as Ordered
    • Staff will set the BIPAP machine according to the prescribed settings to ensure proper functioning and optimal oxygenation.
  2. Monitor Oxygen Saturation
    • Staff will monitor my oxygen saturation levels as ordered to ensure adequate oxygenation and adjust the BIPAP settings if necessary.
  3. Repositioning
    • Staff will reposition me as needed to promote comfort, prevent pressure injuries, and improve lung expansion.
  4. Monitor for Pulmonary Infection
    • Staff will monitor for signs and symptoms of pulmonary infection, such as increased sputum production, fever, and changes in respiratory status, and notify the MD/RNP if any are observed.
  5. Administer Oxygen as Ordered
    • Staff will administer supplemental oxygen as ordered to maintain appropriate oxygen levels.
  6. Encourage Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises
    • Staff will encourage me to perform ROM exercises daily to promote circulation, maintain muscle strength, and enhance respiratory function.
  7. Lab Monitoring
    • Staff will draw labs as ordered, monitor results, and report any abnormalities to the attending physician.


  1. Set BIPAP as Ordered

    • Proper BIPAP settings ensure that I receive the necessary support for maintaining adequate oxygenation and reducing the work of breathing.
  2. Monitor Oxygen Saturation

    • Regular monitoring of oxygen saturation helps in early detection of hypoxemia and allows timely interventions to maintain appropriate oxygen levels.
  3. Repositioning

    • Frequent repositioning helps prevent pressure ulcers, promotes comfort, and enhances lung expansion, which can improve overall respiratory function.
  4. Monitor for Pulmonary Infection

    • Early detection and management of pulmonary infections can prevent complications and promote better respiratory health.
  5. Administer Oxygen as Ordered

    • Supplemental oxygen may be necessary to maintain adequate oxygen levels, especially in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and restrictive lung disease.
  6. Encourage Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises

    • ROM exercises improve circulation, prevent muscle atrophy, and enhance respiratory function, contributing to overall health and well-being.
  7. Lab Monitoring

    • Regular lab monitoring helps in assessing my overall health status and identifying any potential complications related to BIPAP use and respiratory conditions.


  1. Set BIPAP as Ordered

    • Staff will set the BIPAP machine according to the prescribed settings.
  2. Monitor Oxygen Saturation

    • Staff will monitor my oxygen saturation levels as ordered.
  3. Repositioning

    • Staff will reposition me as needed.
  4. Monitor for Pulmonary Infection

    • Staff will monitor for signs and symptoms of pulmonary infection and notify the MD/RNP if any are observed.
  5. Administer Oxygen as Ordered

    • Staff will administer supplemental oxygen as ordered.
  6. Encourage Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises

    • Staff will encourage me to perform ROM exercises daily.
  7. Lab Monitoring

    • Staff will draw labs as ordered, monitor results, and report any abnormalities to the attending physician.
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