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Athena Health Care Pre-Admission/On-Site Evaluation

Athena Health Care Pre-Admission/On-Site Evaluation 




Clinical Evaluator: 

Hospital Location/Date of Eval: 


Unit Phone Number: 

Patient Accepted □ Denied □  

□ Complex Patients LOC discussed with DNS 


Anticipated Length of Stay:     □ STR     □ LTC        □ HOSPICE        □ RESPITE     


Patient Name: 

Sex □ M   □ F 

Birth Date: 

Admission Date: 

Discharge Date: 



Patient Address: 


Home Phone: 

Marital Status □ S   □ M   □ D    □ W 




Responsible Person & Address: 


Home Phone: 

Cell Phone: 

Work Phone: 


Discharge Planner: 



Primary Payor Source: 


Secondary Payor Source 




Prior SNF Stay  No □  Yes □   Date: 



Attending Physician: 

Primary Care Physician: 



Primary Diagnosis: 

History of Present Illness or Injury: 





Allergies:                                                Smoker:  Yes□  No □  Quit □  When:   

                                                             Etoh:      Yes  □  No  □    Drug Use Yes □  No □ 

                                                                           CIWA  Yes □  No □ 


Surgeries During this Hospitalization: 



Past Medical History: 

□ HTN  □ CHF  □ CVA  □ ESRD  □ PVD  □ GERD  □ AFIB  □ Cad/Angina  □ UTI  □ MI   

□ COPD  □ Diabetes  □ Pneumonia  □ Anemia  □ Aphasia  □ Hyperlipidemia  □ Dementia 

□ Depression  □ Anxiety Disorder □ Chemical Dependency  □ Psychiatric Disorder  □ MR/DD   

□AICD   □ Pacemaker 



FLU VACCINE:  No □  Yes □  Date Given: 

PNEUMO VACCINE:  No □  Yes □  Date Given: 

TB SCREEN:  No □  Yes □ 


MEDICARE D PLAN:                                                   ID#: 



Page 2 of 3 

Diagnostic Procedures and Results: 




Date of CXR Results: 



Pertinent and/or Abnormal Lab Values: 




MAR ENCLOSED:   □ Yes   □  No 









































IV Solution:                                    Route/Date of Insertion: 

                                                    □ PICC - □ Valved □ Non-valved          □ Peripheral  

Date Last Received:__________       □ Implantable Port         □ Heplock            □ Other 


□  TPN      □   PPN                          Blood Transfusion Date(s):____________________ 


Infection:  □ No  □ Yes                     Culture:  □ No  □ Yes          Results: 


IV Antibiotics:    □ Yes  □ No             Last Dose of IV Antibiotic:   _________________________ 

IV Medications:  □ Yes  □ No             Last Dose of IV Medication:  _________________________ 

Isolation:  □ No  □ Yes  □ VRE  □ MRSA  □ CDIFF 


Vital Signs:  T:_______  P:________  BP:  __________  R:  _________  POX:  _________ 

Height:  _________________        Weight:  _____________          Diet:  ______________ 

Supplements:                               Date Wt done:________          Appetite: 

02 at ________ Liters via:  □ Nasal Cannula  □ Mask  □ Nebulizer  □ CPAP  □ BIPAP  □  Other      

Frequency:  □  PRN    □ Continuous                             □ Ventilator 

Lung Sounds:                 □ Trach Type/Size:                □ Suctioning:   Frequency:____________                                        


                                              EXTENSIVE/OTHER SERVICES 


 □  Chemotherapy      □  Fluid Intake & Output         □ Transfusion: Blood/Blood Products  

 □  Epidural, PCA pump,      □  Ostomy Care             □  Suctioning: Nasopharyngeal baclofen pump             

 □  Oxygen Therapy (continuous)    □  IV medications/ med additives  □  Dialysis    □   Radiation Therapy                         


 □Continued Chemotherapy : When_________________ Where, if known _____________________ 


□Continued Radiation Therapy: When ______________ Where, if known _____________________ 



Page 3 of 3 

Cognitive Status: 

□ Alert 

□ Oriented x 1 2 3 

□ Impaired Memory 

□ Lethargic 

□ Unresponsive 

□ Follows Simple Commands 

□ Cannot Voice Needs 

□ Confused  

□ Restraint:          Type:_______D/C date____          

 Psychological/Social Behavior 


 □ Agitated 

 □ Uncooperative 

 □ Wanders/elopement risk 

 □ Verbally disruptive 

 □ Physically aggressive 

 □ Sexually aggressive 

 □ Psychiatric Evaluation: 

   Date: __________________ 

   Enclosed  □ Yes   □ No 


□ Good 

□ Impaired 

□ Blind 

□ Glasses 

□ Cataracts 



□ Dentures 


□ Good 

□ Impaired 

□ Deaf R/L 

□ Hearing Aid 



□  Clear   □  Slurred     □ Aphasic    □  Dysphagia    □  Aspiration Precautions 

□ Swallow Evaluation Date:  ____________________________   Outcome:  ___________________ 

□ Language Barrier Language Spoken:  ________________________________________ 



PT/OT (Functional Ability):                                    Weight Bearing Status:__________   


Bathing:    □ Independent      □ Assist of 1   □ Assist of 2    □  Total 

Dressing:  □ Independent      □ Assist of 1    □ Assist of 2    □ Total 

Eating:      □ Independent      □ Assist  □ Total feed     □ Tube Type:   □ G  □ J   □ G to J 

□ Formula ____________________________________ 

Urinary:    □ Independent   □ Assist of 1  □ Assist of 2   □ Foley   □ Continent    □ Incontinent 

Bowel:      □ Continent   □ Incontinent   □ Ostomy Type:_________________ LBM___________   

Transferring:      □ Independent        □ Assist of 1          □ Assist of 2      □ Hoyer 

Ambulation/Distance/Devices Used:   □ Independent   □ Assist of 1   □ Walker   □  Cane    □  Wheelchair   



Skin Integrity:  □  Intact   □  Reddened   □  Edematous 

Wound Location:  ______________________   Stage:  _________   Size:  ________ 

Treatment:  ______________________________________________________________ 

Special Needs/Equipment/Mattress/Bed:  _______________________________________ 

Rashes/other skin problems:_________________________________________________ 


Equipment/Treatments/Other Needs: 

□ Trapeze   □ CPM   □ Slide Board   □ Prosthesis   □ Calorie Count   □ I&O   □ Daily Weights         □ Dressing Supplies  □ Suction   □  IV Supplies   □  Cast   □ Crutches   □  Cane   □  Wheelchair 

□ Bariatrics  


Dialysis     □  Hemo     □  PD   □ AVF   □ Catheter      Access site:_______________ 

Where:_____________________ When:_____________Who transports:____________________ 


Current Living Situation:_____________________________________________________________   


Services in the Home Prior to Hospitalization: ____________________________________________ 


Barriers to Discharge:   _____________________________________________________________ 


Code Status:  _______________ Advance Directive:_______________ Organ Donor:   □ Yes   □  No 



  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current CMS SOM] 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current guidelines] 

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