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A1600 toA1805: Most Recent Admission/Entry or Reentry into this Facility

Step-by-Step Coding Guide for A1600–A1805: Most Recent Admission/Entry or Reentry into this Facility


A1600: Entry Date

Objective: Document the most recent date of admission, entry, or reentry into the facility.


  • Enter the date using the format MM-DD-YYYY.
  • For an interrupted stay, the return date is entered as the entry date.

A1700: Type of Entry

Objective: Identify whether the entry date is for an admission or a reentry.


  • Code 1 (Admission): If the resident is newly admitted, was previously discharged with a return not anticipated, or was discharged with a return anticipated but did not return within 30 days.
  • Code 2 (Reentry): If the resident was previously admitted, discharged with return anticipated, and returned within 30 days.

A1805: Entered From

Objective: Document the setting from which the resident was admitted, entered, or reentered the facility.


  • Review transfer and admission records and consult the resident or their representative.
  • Use a two-digit code to describe the previous setting:
    • 01: Home/Community
    • 02: Nursing Home (Long-term care facility)
    • 03: Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF swing beds)
    • 04: Short-Term General Hospital (acute hospital/IPPS)
    • 05: Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH)
    • 06: Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)
    • 07: Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
    • 08: Intermediate Care Facility (ID/DD)
    • 09: Hospice (home/non-institutional)
    • 10: Hospice (institutional facility)
    • 11: Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
    • 12: Home under care of organized home health service organization
    • 99: Not listed

Special Considerations:

  • For home-based hospice enrollees, use Code 09 instead of 01.

A1900: Admission Date

Objective: Record the date this episode of care in the facility began.


  • Enter the date using the format MM-DD-YYYY.
  • The admission date may match the entry date (A1600) for the entire stay.
  • This date remains constant across all assessments for a given episode of care, even if interrupted by temporary discharges.

Examples and Coding Tips:

  • For a new admission, both the admission date (A1900) and entry date (A1600) must match.
  • For a reentry, the entry date (A1600) will be later than the admission date (A1900), but the admission date remains constant for the episode.

Remember: Accurate documentation of these items is crucial for understanding the resident's journey through the care continuum, informing care planning, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements​​.


The Step-by-Step Coding Guide for item A1600–A1805 in MDS 3.0 Section A is based on the Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.18.11, dated October 2023. Healthcare guidelines, policies, and regulations can undergo frequent updates. Therefore, healthcare professionals must ensure they are referencing the most current version of the MDS 3.0 manual. This guide aims to assist with understanding and applying the coding procedures as outlined in the referenced manual version. However, in cases where there are updates or changes to the manual after the mentioned date, users should refer to the latest version of the manual for the most accurate and up-to-date information. The guide should not substitute for professional judgment and the consultation of the latest regulatory guidelines in the healthcare field. 




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