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Wheelchair Policy 


An appropriate wheelchair will be provided for non-ambulatory residents or residents who may need assistance with longer distances. 


I. Preparation: 

  1. Check the size of the wheelchair prior to assisting the resident to sit. The wheelchair should not be too large or too small for the resident. 

  1. Position the wheelchair in the appropriate position for transfer. 

  1. Apply brakes to lock the wheels and secure the chair. 

  1. If used, fold/swing footrests out of the way or remove them when assisting the resident into the chair. Do not totally remove footrests unless the resident self-propels with their feet on the floor. 

  1. Pad the seat with a pressure-reducing cushion or a light cover. 

II. Assisting the Resident: 

  1. Assist the resident into the chair using proper transfer techniques. 

  1. Ensure that the resident’s back is covered to prevent the skin from coming into contact with the plastic chair back. 

  1. Place the resident’s feet on the footrests if used. 

III. Final Positioning: 

  1. Release brakes, if indicated. 

  1. Assist the resident with positioning to promote good body alignment. 

  1. Leave the resident in a comfortable position with the call light within reach. 


  • Record the type and size of wheelchair used. 

  • Document the transfer process, including any assistance required. 

  • Note any observations regarding the resident's comfort and positioning. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • State Operations Manual (SOM), CMS. 

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