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Understanding and Coding MDS 3.0 Item M0150: Is Resident at Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers

Understanding and Coding MDS 3.0 Item M0150: Is Resident at Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers


Pressure ulcers are a common yet preventable condition in long-term care settings, particularly among residents with limited mobility, poor nutrition, or other risk factors. MDS Item M0150, Is Resident at Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers, helps identify residents who are at risk for pressure ulcer development, enabling early intervention and preventive measures. Correctly coding this item ensures that care plans are designed to prevent the onset of pressure ulcers. This article explains how to code M0150 based on MDS 3.0 guidelines.

What is MDS Item M0150?

MDS Item M0150, Is Resident at Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers, is used to determine whether the resident is considered to be at risk of developing pressure ulcers. This is a yes/no question based on the resident's overall health condition, mobility, nutrition, and other contributing factors.

  • A resident is considered "at risk" if they have any risk factors that increase the likelihood of pressure ulcer development, such as immobility, malnutrition, or incontinence.
  • Prevention measures include repositioning, the use of pressure-relieving devices, and proper skin care routines.

Coding M0150 accurately helps ensure that appropriate preventive interventions are in place.

Guidelines for Coding M0150

Coding Instructions:
To accurately code Item M0150, follow these steps:

  1. Conduct a Risk Assessment:

    • Review the resident’s health status, mobility, and other potential risk factors for pressure ulcer development. This can include skin assessments, Braden Scale scores (or other risk assessments), and reviewing clinical documentation.
    • Consider factors such as immobility, incontinence, nutritional deficits, decreased sensation, and conditions affecting circulation.
  2. Code Based on Risk:

    • Code “0” if the resident is not considered at risk of developing pressure ulcers.
    • Code “1” if the resident is considered at risk of developing pressure ulcers.
  3. Enter the Response in Item M0150:

    • Based on the assessment, enter “0” if the resident is not at risk or “1” if the resident is at risk of developing pressure ulcers.

Example Scenario 1:
A resident is immobile and requires assistance with bed mobility, has poor nutritional intake, and is incontinent. Due to these factors, they are considered at risk for developing pressure ulcers. Therefore, “1” would be entered in Item M0150.

Example Scenario 2:
A resident is mobile, maintains good nutrition, and has no conditions that would increase the likelihood of pressure ulcer development. In this case, “0” would be entered in Item M0150.

Best Practices for Accurate Coding


  • Document the findings of the pressure ulcer risk assessment clearly in the resident’s medical records, detailing any risk factors present (e.g., mobility issues, nutrition, incontinence).
  • If the resident is determined to be at risk, ensure that the care plan includes preventive interventions such as repositioning, pressure-relieving devices, skin care protocols, and nutritional support.


  • Encourage regular communication between the interdisciplinary care team, including nurses, physical therapists, dietitians, and wound care specialists, to address and monitor the resident’s risk for pressure ulcer development.
  • Discuss residents at risk during care planning meetings to ensure that preventive strategies are consistently applied.

Regular Audits:

  • Conduct audits of risk assessments and care plans to ensure that residents identified as being at risk of developing pressure ulcers are receiving appropriate preventive interventions.
  • Ensure that the care plan is regularly updated based on changes in the resident’s condition and risk factors.


MDS Item M0150 is crucial for identifying residents at risk of developing pressure ulcers. Accurate coding of this item ensures that preventive measures are taken to reduce the likelihood of skin breakdown and ulcer development. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, healthcare professionals can ensure proactive care and improved outcomes for residents in long-term care settings.

Click here to see a detailed step-by-step on how to complete this item set 


CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024. Refer to [Chapter 3, Page 3-160] for detailed guidelines on determining and documenting pressure ulcer risk.


Please note that the information provided in this guide for MDS 3.0 Item M0150: Is Resident at Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers was originally based on the CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024. Every effort will be made to update it to the most current version. The MDS 3.0 Manual is typically updated every October. If there are no changes to the Item Set, there will be no changes to this guide. This guidance is intended to assist healthcare professionals, particularly new nurses or MDS coordinators, in understanding and applying the correct coding procedures for this specific item within MDS 3.0. The guide is not a substitute for professional judgment or the facility’s policies. It is crucial to stay updated with any changes or updates in the MDS 3.0 manual or relevant CMS regulations. The guide does not cover all potential scenarios and should not be used as a sole resource for MDS 3.0 coding. Additionally, this guide refrains from handling personal patient data and does not provide medical or legal advice. Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in their respective practices.

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