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Understanding and Coding MDS 3.0 Item GG0130G5: Lower Body Dressing (OBRA/Interim Performance)

Understanding and Coding MDS 3.0 Item GG0130G5: Lower Body Dressing (OBRA/Interim Performance)


MDS Item GG0130G5 assesses the resident’s lower body dressing performance during OBRA or interim assessments, tracking changes in functional ability.

What is MDS Item GG0130G5?

This item captures the resident’s usual performance dressing their lower body. It is used for interim assessments to update care plans and therapy goals based on progress or decline.

Guidelines for Coding GG0130G5

Coding Instructions:
Assess the resident using the standard six-point scale:

  • 06 (Independent)
  • 05 (Setup or clean-up assistance)
  • 04 (Supervision or touching assistance)
  • 03 (Partial/moderate assistance)
  • 02 (Substantial/maximal assistance)
  • 01 (Dependent)

Example Scenario:
Resident A needs help putting on socks but can manage pants alone. GG0130G5 would be coded as 03 (Partial/moderate assistance).

Best Practices for Accurate Coding


Observe the resident over multiple days to capture their usual performance in lower body dressing.


Ensure regular communication among caregivers, therapists, and nurses to provide an accurate assessment.


Offer regular training on how to assess performance without influencing the resident’s effort.


Accurate coding of GG0130G5 ensures that residents receive appropriate care based on their current abilities, leading to timely adjustments in therapy and care plans.

Click here to see a detailed Step-by-Step on how to complete this item set.


See CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024, Chapter 3, Page GG-33.


This guide is based on CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024.

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