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Suction Machine, Care and Use of

Suction Machine: Care and Use Policy 


  • To ensure the suction machine is clean and in good working order at all times. 

  • To prevent the spread of infection. 

General Operating Instructions 

(Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions for Specific Equipment) 

Before using the machine, check the following: 

  1. Connections: 

  • Ensure all connections are tight at these points: 

  • Between catheter and/or suction tubing. 

  • Between suction tubing and the point of connection to the rubber stopper. 

  • Between the rubber stopper and the glass bottle. 

  • Tubing between the rubber stopper and trap. 

  1. Trap Ball: 

  • Ensure the ball in the trap is clean and dry. If not, the machine will not work. 

  1. Electrical Cord: 

  • Check that the electrical cord is in good condition. 

  1. Rubber Stopper: 

  • Ensure the rubber stopper is pressed firmly into the bottle. 

  1. Testing Suction: 

  • Plug the cord into an outlet and switch on the machine. 

  • Pinch the suction tubing and observe the suction gauge. The gauge should show increased pressure to confirm the machine is delivering suction. If there is no suction, adjust the suction regulator. The machine is now ready for use. 

  1. Monitoring Fluid Levels: 

  • Stop suction when the bottle is two-thirds full of fluid. The fluid level should never be high enough to flow over the trap or touch the ball in the trap. If this happens, suction will be lost, and the ball must be kept clean and dry at all times. 

  1. Emptying and Cleaning: 

  • Empty the bottle and wash with soapy water and rinse, or replace the disposable container. Return the suction bottle to the holder. 

  • If the bottle is filled beyond capacity and water gets into the trap, fluid flows into the pump, rendering the machine out of order. 

Note: Keep disposable catheters, connecting tubing, and an airway with the suction machine ready at all times for use in an emergency. 

Wall Suction Instructions 

  1. Connections: 

  • Follow the above procedure. No electrical cord or pump is needed. 

  • The suction bottle is connected directly to the suction regulator and wall connector. 

  1. Testing Suction: 

  • Push the connector firmly into the wall, test suction, and adjust the regulator as necessary. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • State Operations Manual (SOM), CMS. 

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