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Quarterly Assessment

The Quarterly Assessment in the context of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0, as mandated by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) for nursing facilities, is a scheduled, routine assessment that plays a crucial role in monitoring the status and needs of residents in long-term care settings. This assessment is part of the broader Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) process designed to ensure residents receive individualized, person-centered care. Below is an overview of the Quarterly Assessment, including its purpose, timing, and key components.


The primary purpose of the Quarterly Assessment is to review and update the care plan of each resident regularly, ensuring it remains aligned with their current needs. It serves as a mechanism to capture any changes in a resident's condition or status that may have occurred since the last comprehensive or quarterly assessment. This process helps in identifying any adjustments needed in the care plan to address new or resolved issues, thus promoting the resident’s well-being and quality of life.


  • Frequency: Quarterly Assessments are conducted every three months or 92 days following the most recent OBRA-required assessment (whether it was an Admission, Annual, or previous Quarterly Assessment).
  • Completion Window: The facility must complete the Quarterly Assessment within the established timeframe of 92 days after the last OBRA-required assessment to remain in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Key Components:

  • Assessment Areas: The Quarterly Assessment includes a review of key areas such as cognitive patterns, communication/hearing patterns, mood and behavior patterns, physical functioning and structural problems, continence, nutritional status, skin condition, medication use, and any significant changes in health status.
  • Assessment Reference Date (ARD): The facility must set an ARD for the Quarterly Assessment, which is the specific date that marks the end of the observation period for the assessment. The ARD helps in defining the period over which the resident's status is reviewed.
  • MDS Completion: The MDS for the Quarterly Assessment must be completed, capturing relevant information about the resident’s condition and care needs. This includes updating or confirming the accuracy of previously recorded information and documenting any new developments or changes in the resident's condition.
  • Care Plan Review and Update: Following the completion of the Quarterly Assessment, the interdisciplinary team should review and, if necessary, update the resident’s care plan to reflect any changes identified during the assessment. This may involve adjusting care strategies, interventions, and goals to ensure they are tailored to the resident's current needs and preferences.

Regulatory Compliance:

The Quarterly Assessment is an OBRA-required process that nursing facilities must adhere to for maintaining compliance with federal regulations. It underscores the commitment to providing ongoing, resident-centered care and supports the continuous evaluation and improvement of care quality and effectiveness.

In summary, the Quarterly Assessment is a vital component of the continuous care planning process in nursing facilities, designed to ensure that residents' care plans are regularly evaluated and updated in response to their evolving needs and conditions. This process promotes the delivery of high-quality, personalized care that aligns with the goals and preferences of each resident.

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