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Pleurx Pleural Catheter Drainage Record

Pleurx Pleural Catheter Drainage Record Policy 

Purpose: To ensure proper documentation and monitoring of pleural catheter drainage to maintain patient health and safety in accordance with CMS guidelines and the State Operations Manual for long-term care facilities. 


I. Documentation: 

  • Date: Record the date of each drainage session. 

  • Volume (ml): Record the volume of fluid drained in milliliters (ml). 

  • Notes: Include any relevant observations, such as the appearance of the fluid, resident's response to the procedure, and any complications or issues encountered. 

II. Frequency of Drainage: 

  • Follow the physician’s orders for the frequency of drainage. 

  • Ensure consistent documentation for each drainage session. 

III. Preparation: 

  • Gather necessary equipment: drainage bottles, gloves, sterile dressing supplies. 

  • Wash hands thoroughly and wear gloves. 

IV. Drainage Procedure: 

  • Verify the resident’s identity and explain the procedure. 

  • Position the resident comfortably, ensuring proper access to the catheter. 

  • Clean the area around the catheter with an antiseptic solution. 

  • Connect the drainage bottle to the catheter according to manufacturer’s instructions. 

  • Allow fluid to drain by gravity, monitoring the volume and the resident's comfort. 

  • Once drainage is complete, clamp the catheter and disconnect the drainage bottle. 

  • Apply a new sterile dressing to the catheter site. 

V. Post-Drainage: 

  • Dispose of drainage materials according to facility protocol. 

  • Wash hands and remove gloves. 

  • Record the drainage details in the log. 

  • Monitor the resident for any adverse reactions or complications and document in the nursing notes. 

Pleurx Pleural Catheter Drainage Record: 

Date  Volume (ml)  Notes 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • State Operations Manual (SOM), CMS. 

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