O0110: Special Treatments, Procedures, and Programs
O0110: Special Treatments, Procedures, and Programs
Facilities may code treatments, programs and procedures that the resident performed themselves independently or after set-up by facility staff. Do not code services that were provided solely in conjunction with a surgical procedure or diagnostic procedure, such as IV medications or ventilators. Surgical procedures include routine pre- and post-operative procedures.

Item Rationale
Health-related Quality of Life
• The treatments, procedures, and programs listed in Item O0110, Special Treatments, Procedures, and Programs, can have a profound effect on an individual’s health status, self-image, dignity, and quality of life.
Planning for Care
• Reevaluation of special treatments and procedures the resident received or performed, or programs that the resident was involved in during the 14-day look-back period is important to ensure the continued appropriateness of the treatments, procedures, or programs.
• Residents who perform any of the treatments, programs, and/or procedures below should be educated by the facility on the proper performance of these tasks, safety and use of any equipment needed, and be monitored for appropriate use and continued ability to perform these tasks.
Steps for Assessment
1. Review the resident’s medical record to determine whether or not the resident received or performed any of the treatments, procedures, or programs within the assessment period defined for each column.
Coding Instructions for Column a. On Admission
Check all treatments, procedures, and programs received by, performed on, or participated in by the resident on days 1–3 of the SNF PPS Stay starting with A2400B. If no treatments, procedures, or programs were received or performed in the 3-day assessment period, check Z, None of the above.
Coding Instructions for Column b. While a Resident
Check all treatments, procedures, and programs that the resident received or performed after admission/entry or reentry to the facility and within the last 14 days. If no treatments, procedures or programs were received by, performed on, or participated in by the residentwithin the last 14 days or since admission/entry or reentry, check Z, None of the above.
Coding Instructions for Column c. At Discharge
Check all treatments, procedures, and programs received by, performed on, or participated in by the resident in the last 3 days of the SNF PPS Stay ending with A2400C. If no treatments, procedures or programs were received by, performed on, or participated in by the resident in the 3-day assessment period, check Z, None of the above.
Coding Tips
• Facilities may code treatments, programs and procedures that the resident performed themselves independently or after set-up by facility staff. Do not code services that were provided solely in conjunction with a surgical procedure or diagnostic procedure, such as IV medications or ventilators. Surgical procedures include routine pre- and post-operative procedures.
• O0110A1, Chemotherapy
Code any type of chemotherapy agent administered as an antineoplastic given by any route in this item. Each medication should be evaluated to determine its reason for use before coding it here. Medications coded here are those actually used for cancer treatment. For example, megestrol acetate is classified as an antineoplastic drug. One of its side effects is appetite stimulation and weight gain. If megestrol acetate is being given only for appetite stimulation, do not code it as chemotherapy in this item, as the resident is not receiving the medication for chemotherapy purposes in this situation. Hormonal and other agents administered to prevent the recurrence or slow the growth of cancer should not be coded in this item, as they are not considered chemotherapy for the purpose of coding the MDS. IVs, IV medication, and blood transfusions administered during chemotherapy are not recorded under items K0520A (Parenteral/IV), O0110H (IV Medications), or O0110I (Transfusions).
Example: Resident J was diagnosed with estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer and was treated with chemotherapy and radiation. After their cancer treatment, Resident J was prescribed tamoxifen (a selective estrogen receptor modulator) to decrease the risk of recurrence and/or decrease the growth rate of cancer cells. Since the hormonal agent is being administered to decrease the risk of cancer recurrence, it cannot be coded as chemotherapy.
‒ O0110A2, IV
Check if chemotherapy was administered intravenously.
‒ O0110A3, Oral
Check if chemotherapy was administered orally (e.g., pills, capsules, or liquids the patient swallows). This sub-element also applies if the chemotherapy is administered through a feeding tube/PEG (i.e., enterally).
‒ O0110A10, Other
Check if chemotherapy was given in a way other than intravenously or orally (e.g., intramuscular, intraventricular/intrathecal, intraperitoneal, or topical routes).
• O0110B1, Radiation
Code intermittent radiation therapy, as well as radiation administered via radiation implant in this item.
• O0110C1, Oxygen therapy
Code continuous or intermittent oxygen administered via mask, cannula, etc., delivered to a resident to relieve hypoxia in this item. Code oxygen used in Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure/Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP/CPAP) here. Do not code hyperbaric oxygen for wound therapy in this item. This item may be coded if the resident places or removes their own oxygen mask, cannula.
‒ O0110C2, Continuous
Check if oxygen therapy was continuously delivered for 14 hours or greater per day.
‒ O0110C3, Intermittent
Check if oxygen therapy was intermittent (i.e., not delivered continuously for at least 14 hours per day).
‒ O0110C4, High-concentration
Check if oxygen therapy was provided via a high-concentration delivery system. A high-concentration oxygen delivery system is one that delivers oxygen at a concentration that exceeds a fraction of inspired oxygen FiO2 of 40% (i.e., exceeding that of simple low-flow nasal cannula at a flow rate of 4 liters per minute). A high-concentration delivery system can include either high- or low-flow systems (e.g., simple face masks, partial and nonrebreather masks, face tents, venturi masks, aerosol masks, and high-flow cannula or masks). These devices may also include invasive mechanical ventilators, non-invasive mechanical ventilators, or trach masks, if the delivered FiO2 of these systems exceeds 40%. Oxygen-conserving nasal cannula systems with reservoirs (e.g., mustache, pendant) should be included only if they are used to deliver an FiO2 of greater than 40%.
• O0110D1, Suctioning
Code only tracheal and/or nasopharyngeal suctioning in this item. Do not code oral suctioning here. This item may be coded if the resident performs their own tracheal and/or nasopharyngeal suctioning.
‒ O0110D2, Scheduled
Check if suctioning was scheduled. Scheduled suctioning is performed when the resident is assessed as clinically benefiting from regular interventions, such as every hour or once per shift. Scheduled suctioning applies to medical orders for performing suctioning at specific intervals and/or implementation of facility-based clinical standards, protocols, and guidelines.
‒ O0110D3, As needed
Check if suctioning was performed on an as-needed basis, as opposed to at regular scheduled intervals, such as when secretions become so prominent that gurgling or choking is noted or a sudden desaturation occurs from a mucus plug.
• O0110E1, Tracheostomy care
Code cleansing of the tracheostomy and/or cannula in this item. This item may be coded if the resident performs their own tracheostomy care. This item includes laryngectomy tube care.
• O0110F1, Invasive Mechanical Ventilator (ventilator or respirator)
Code any type of electrically or pneumatically powered closed-system mechanical ventilator support device that ensures adequate ventilation in the resident who is or who may become (such as during weaning attempts) unable to support their own respiration in this item. During invasive mechanical ventilation the resident’s breathing is controlled by the ventilator. Residents receiving closed-system ventilation include those residents receiving ventilation via an endotracheal tube (e.g., nasally or orally intubated) or tracheostomy. A resident who has been weaned off of a respirator or ventilator in the last 14 days or is currently being weaned off a respirator or ventilator, should also be coded here. Do not code this item when the ventilator or respirator is used only as a substitute for BiPAP or CPAP.
Example: Resident J is connected to a ventilator via tracheostomy (invasive mechanical ventilation) 24 hours a day while a resident, because of an irreversible neurological injury and inability to breathe on their own. O0110F1b should be checked, as Resident J is using an invasive mechanical ventilator because they are unable to initiate spontaneous breathing on their own and the ventilator is controlling their breathing.
• O0110G1, Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilator
Code any type of CPAP or BiPAP respiratory support devices that prevent airways from closing by delivering slightly pressurized air through a mask or other device continuously or via electronic cycling throughout the breathing cycle. The BiPAP/CPAP mask/device enables the individual to support their own spontaneous respiration by providing enough pressure when the individual inhales to keep their airways open, unlike ventilators that “breathe” for the individual. If a ventilator or respirator is being used as a substitute for BiPAP/CPAP, code here. This item may be coded if the resident places or removes their own BiPAP/CPAP mask/device.
‒ O0110G2, BiPAP
Check if the non-invasive mechanical ventilator support was BiPAP.
‒ O0110G3, CPAP
Check if the non-invasive mechanical ventilator support was CPAP.
• O0110H1, IV medications
Code any drug or biological given by intravenous push, epidural pump, or drip through a central or peripheral port in this item. Do not code flushes to keep an IV access port patent, or IV fluids without medication here. Epidural, intrathecal, and baclofen pumps may be coded here, as they are similar to IV medications in that they must be monitored frequently and they involve continuous administration of a substance. Subcutaneous pumps are not coded in this item. Do not include IV medications of any kind that were administered during dialysis or chemotherapy. Lactated Ringers given IV is not considered a medication and should not be coded here. Resources and tools providing information on medications are available in Section N of this manual (see the end of item N0415 following the Example).
‒ O0110H2, Vasoactive medications
Check when at least one of the IV medications was an IV vasoactive medication.
‒ O0110H3, Antibiotics
Check when at least one of the IV medications was an IV antibiotic.
‒ O0110H4, Anticoagulation
Check when at least one of the IV medications was an IV anticoagulant. Do not include subcutaneous administration of anticoagulant medications.
‒ O0110H10, Other
Check when at least one of the IV medications was not an IV vasoactive medication, IV antibiotic, or IV anticoagulant. Examples include IV analgesics (e.g., morphine) and IV diuretics (e.g., furosemide).
• O0110I1, Transfusions
Code transfusions of blood or any blood products (e.g., platelets, synthetic blood products), that are administered directly into the bloodstream in this item. Do not include transfusions that were administered during dialysis or chemotherapy.
• O0110J1, Dialysis
Code peritoneal or renal dialysis which occurs at the nursing home or at another facility, record treatments of hemofiltration, Slow Continuous Ultrafiltration (SCUF), Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration (CAVH), and Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) in this item. IVs, IV medication, and blood transfusions administered during dialysis are considered part of the dialysis procedure and are not to be coded under items K0520A (Parenteral/IV), O0110H (IV medications), or O0110I (transfusions). This item may be coded if the resident performs their own dialysis.
‒ O0110J2, Hemodialysis
Check when the dialysis was hemodialysis. In hemodialysis the patient’s blood is circulated directly through a dialysis machine that uses special filters to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood.
‒ O0110J3, Peritoneal dialysis
Check when the dialysis was peritoneal dialysis. In peritoneal dialysis, dialysate is infused into the peritoneal cavity and the peritoneum (the membrane that surrounds many of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity) serves as a filter to remove the waste products and excess fluid from the blood.
• O0110K1, Hospice care
Code residents identified as being in a hospice program for terminally ill persons where an array of services is provided for the palliation and management of terminal illness and related conditions. The hospice must be licensed by the state as a hospice provider and/or certified under the Medicare program as a hospice provider.
• O0110M1, Isolation or quarantine for active infectious disease (does not include standard body/fluid precautions)
Code only when the resident requires transmission-based precautions and single room isolation (alone in a separate room) because of active infection (i.e., symptomatic and/or have a positive test and are in the contagious stage) with highly transmissible or epidemiologically significant pathogens that have been acquired by physical contact or airborne or droplet transmission. Do not code this item if the resident only has a history of infectious disease (e.g., s/p MRSA or s/p C-Diff - no active symptoms). Do not code this item if the precautions are standard precautions, because these types of precautions apply to everyone. Standard precautions include hand hygiene compliance, glove use, and additionally may include masks, eye protection, and gowns. Examples of when the isolation criterion would not apply include urinary tract infections, encapsulated pneumonia, and wound infections.
Code for “single room isolation” only when all of the following conditions are met:
1. The resident has active infection with highly transmissible or epidemiologically significant pathogens that have been acquired by physical contact or airborne or droplet transmission.
2. Precautions are over and above standard precautions. That is, transmission-based precautions (contact, droplet, and/or airborne) must be in effect.
3. The resident is in a room alone because of active infection and cannot have a roommate. This means that the resident must be in the room alone and not cohorted with a roommate regardless of whether the roommate has a similar active infection that requires isolation.
4. The resident must remain in their room. This requires that all services be brought to the resident (e.g. rehabilitation, activities, dining, etc.).
The following resources are being provided to help the facility interdisciplinary team determine the best method to contain and/or prevent the spread of infectious disease based on the type of infection and clinical presentation of the resident related to the specific communicable disease. The CDC guidelines also outline isolation precautions and go into detail regarding the different types of Transmission-Based Precautions (Contact, Droplet, and Airborne).
• 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/isolation/index.html
• SHEA/APIC Guideline: Infection Prevention and Control in the Long Term Care Facility http://www.apic.org/Resource_/TinyMceFileManager/Practice_Guidance/id_APICSHEA_GuidelineforICinLTCFs.pdf
As the CDC guideline notes, there are psychosocial risks associated with such restriction, and it has been recommended that psychosocial needs be balanced with infection control needs in the long-term care setting. If a facility transports a resident who meets the criteria for single room isolation to another healthcare setting to receive medically needed services (e.g. dialysis, chemotherapy, blood transfusions, etc.) which the facility does not or cannot provide, they should follow CDC guidelines for transport of patients with communicable disease, and may still code O0110M for single room isolation since it is still being maintained while the resident is in the facility.
Finally, when coding for isolation, the facility should review the resident’s status and determine if the criteria for a Significant Change of Status Assessment (SCSA) is met based on the effect the infection has on the resident’s function and plan of care. The definition and criteria of “significant change of status” is found in Chapter 2, Section 2.6, 03. Significant Change in Status Assessment (SCSA) (A0310A = 04). Regardless of whether the resident meets the criteria for an SCSA, a modification of the resident’s plan of care will likely need to be completed.
• O0110O1, IV Access
Code IV access, which refers to a catheter inserted into a vein for a variety of clinical reasons, including long-term medication administration, large volumes of blood or fluid, frequent access for blood samples, intravenous fluid administration, total parenteral nutrition (TPN), or, in some instances, the measurement of central venous pressure.
‒ O0110O2, Peripheral
Check when IV access was peripheral access (catheter is placed in a peripheral vein) and remains peripheral.
‒ O0110O3, Midline
Check when IV access was midline access. Midline catheters are inserted into the antecubital (or other upper arm) vein and do not reach all the way to a central vein such as the superior vena cava.
‒ O0110O4, Central (e.g., PICC, tunneled, port)
Check when IV access was centrally located (e.g., PICC, tunneled, port).
• O0110Z1, None of the above
Code if none of the above treatments, procedures, or programs were received or performed by the resident.
1. Resident R, who was admitted five days ago, has advanced prostate cancer and is receiving radiation and docetaxel (IV) via a port in their right upper chest to treat their prostate cancer. They were admitted to the SNF following an inpatient stay for an acute pulmonary embolism.
Coding: Check boxes O0110A1a (Chemotherapy, On Admission), O0110A1b (Chemotherapy, While a Resident), and O0110A2a (IV, On Admission); O0110B1a (Radiation, On Admission) and O0110B1b (Radiation, While a Resident); and O0110O1a (IV Access, On Admission), O0110O1b (IV Access, While a Resident), and O0110O4a (Central, On Admission).
Rationale: The resident received intravenous therapy via a port (i.e., a central line in their right upper chest) and radiation during their first three days of their SNF PPS stay and while a resident.
2. Resident M was admitted to the SNF for rehabilitation following cardiac surgery three weeks ago. They have sleep apnea and require a CPAP device nightly. While in the SNF, the staff set up the humidifier element of the CPAP, and Resident M put on the CPAP mask prior to falling asleep each night through their discharge to home.
Coding: Check boxes O0110G1b (Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilator, While a Resident), O0110G1c (Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilator, At Discharge), and O0110G3c (CPAP, On Discharge).
Rationale: Resident M can breathe on their own but requires CPAP while sleeping to manage their sleep apnea. CPAP was used while a resident, including during the threeday discharge assessment period.
3. Resident D was admitted 10 days ago to the SNF for rehabilitation following spinal surgery. They have sleep apnea and require a CPAP device while sleeping. The staff set-up the water receptacle and humidifier element of the machine. Each night since admission, Resident D puts on the CPAP mask and starts the machine prior to falling asleep.
Coding: Check O0110G1a (Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilator, On Admission), O0110G1b (Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilator, While a Resident) and O0110G3a (CPAP, On Admission).
Rationale: Resident D can breathe on their own but requires CPAP while sleeping to manage their sleep apnea. CPAP was used while a resident, including during the three-day admission assessment period.