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Multipodus Boots

Multipodus Boots 

Purpose: To prevent or treat disorders of the lower extremities, such as foot drop, internal or external hip rotation, and knee flexion contractures. 


I. Physician's Order: 

  • Multipodus Boots are utilized only with a specific physician’s order. 

  • The physician’s order will specify the extremity(ies) to be treated, the time frame during which the boot is to be applied, and the therapeutic rationale for the boot. 

II. Ordering Boots: 

  • Each time Multipodus Boots are ordered for a resident, the order will be placed with the representative of the company that supplies the boots. 

  • The special order will be placed through the representative of the company supplying the boot, who will provide all necessary information regarding application, assessment, use, and care of the boot. 

III. Inservicing: 

  • Inservicing regarding proper application of the boot will take place prior to the application. 

IV. Application and Monitoring: 

  • Feet and calves should be assessed prior to and after removing boots to ensure there are no adverse effects such as skin irritation, pressure sores, or changes in circulation. 

  • Document the assessment and application on the Treatment Kardex. 

V. Documentation: 

  • Ensure all relevant details, such as the time frame, extremity treated, and therapeutic rationale, are accurately documented. 

  • Monitor and record any changes in the resident’s condition or any concerns related to the use of the Multipodus Boots. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • State Operations Manual (SOM), CMS. 

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