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Medication Administration - Use of PRN Nifedipine (Procardia) Sublingual Capsules Policy

Medication Administration - Use of PRN Nifedipine (Procardia) Sublingual Capsules Policy 

Purpose: To ensure the safe and effective administration of PRN Nifedipine (Procardia) sublingual capsules to residents, in compliance with CMS guidelines and the State Operations Manual (SOM) for long-term care facilities. 


I. Preparation: 

  • Take the resident’s blood pressure and follow the physician's order regarding parameters for administration. 

II. Administration: 

  • Prick the side of the Nifedipine capsule with a sterile needle. 

  • Place the capsule under the resident’s tongue and gently squeeze to expel the liquid from within the capsule. 

  • Once the liquid is expelled, dispose of the capsule according to facility policy. 

III. Post-Administration: 

  • Remove gloves and wash hands thoroughly. 

  • Take and record the resident’s blood pressure 10-15 minutes post-administration of the medication. Repeat this process two more times at 10-15 minute intervals. 

  • A reduction in blood pressure should occur after 10 minutes. If a reduction has not occurred after 10 minutes, notify the physician immediately. 


  • Document the administration of Nifedipine in the Medication Administration Record (MAR). 

  • Record the initial blood pressure, the administration time, and the blood pressure readings taken at 10-15 minute intervals post-administration. 

  • Note any observations and the resident’s response to the medication. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • State Operations Manual (SOM), CMS. 

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