MDS Essentials: Introduction to PPS PDPM, Naming and Scheduling: Interim Payment Assessment (IPA)

Fri, 03/15/2024 - 13:09
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MDS Essentials: Introduction to PPS PDPM, Naming and Scheduling: Interim Payment Assessment (IPA)

The Interim Payment Assessment (IPA) within the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) is an optional assessment under the Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System (SNF PPS). This assessment allows facilities to capture significant changes in a resident's status that might affect the reimbursement rate under PDPM. Unlike scheduled PPS assessments, the IPA can be initiated at any point during a resident's stay when the provider deems it necessary due to changes in the resident's condition. Here’s an overview focusing on the purpose, components, and significance of the IPA.

Purpose of the Interim Payment Assessment (IPA):

  • Adjustment of Reimbursement Rates: The IPA is designed to adjust the resident's PDPM classification and consequently the SNF's reimbursement if significant changes in the resident’s clinical condition occur.
  • Flexibility in Resident Assessment: Offers providers the flexibility to reassess the resident’s needs and conditions, ensuring that reimbursement aligns with the resources required for care.

Components of the Interim Payment Assessment (IPA):

  • Resident Identification: Basic demographic and identifying details of the resident.
  • Clinical Status Update: Updated clinical information that may change the PDPM classification, such as changes in diagnosis, therapy needs, or ADL status.
  • Assessment Reference Date (ARD): Unlike scheduled PPS assessments, the ARD for the IPA can be set at any time beyond the ARD of the 5-Day assessment to reflect current resident status.

Implementation and Timing:

  • As Needed Basis: The IPA can be conducted at any point during the resident’s stay after the 5-Day assessment, whenever there is a significant change in the resident's condition.
  • Timely Submission: Similar to other PPS assessments, the IPA must be completed within 14 days after the ARD and submitted within the prescribed timeframe to ensure appropriate reimbursement.


  • Ensures Accurate Reimbursement: By allowing for reassessment of residents whose care needs have significantly changed, the IPA ensures that facilities are adequately reimbursed for the level of care provided.
  • Supports Resident-Centered Care: Facilitates adjustments in care planning and resource allocation in response to changes in a resident's condition, promoting quality and personalized care.

The IPA is a critical tool within the PDPM framework, offering SNFs the flexibility to ensure that reimbursement rates accurately reflect the care needs of their residents. This assessment underscores the importance of continuous monitoring and evaluation of resident needs for optimal care delivery and financial management.

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