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Ice Collar or Bag, Application Of

Ice Collar or Bag, Application Of 


  • To relieve inflammation. 

  • To control hemorrhage. 

  • To relieve pain. 

  • To reduce swelling. 


  • Ice bag (collar or cap). 

  • Cracked ice. 

  • Cover for ice bag. 


I. Preparation: 

  • Fill the ice bag half full of cracked ice. 

  • Place the cap loosely in position and expel all air from the bag. 

  • Dry the surface of the bag and test for leaks. 

  • Place a cover on the bag; ensure the entire surface is covered. 

II. Application: 

  • Inspect the skin in the area to be treated. 

  • Place the bag on the area as prescribed. 

  • Check the resident frequently, replace ice as needed, and replace the cover if damp. 

III. Monitoring: 

  • Leave the ice bag in place for the length of time ordered. 

  • Remove the ice bag and inspect the skin at least every hour. 

  • Remove the ice bag when the treatment is complete and inspect the skin. 

IV. Post-Treatment: 

  • Clean and dry the skin well. 

  • Position the resident comfortably with the call light within reach. 

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