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Hot Packs

Hot Packs 


  • To provide comfort by supplying local relief to an area with a hot pack. 


I. Physician’s Order: 

  • A physician’s order is required for the application of hot packs. 

II. Preparation: 

  • Ensure the hot pack machine is set to the correct temperature as specified by the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results. 

  • Turn the hot pack machine on for 15-20 minutes prior to treatment to allow it to reach the correct temperature. 

III. Application: 

  • Apply hot packs to the affected area as ordered by the physician. 

  • Follow the time directed in the physician’s order for the duration of the hot pack application. 

IV. Monitoring: 

  • Check the resident's skin periodically for any signs of redness, blistering, or discomfort. 

  • Ensure the hot pack is not too hot to prevent burns or skin damage. 

V. Documentation: 

  • Document the application of the hot pack in the resident’s medical record. 

  • Note the date, time, duration, and area of application. 

  • Record the resident’s response to the treatment and any observations, such as skin condition or pain relief. 

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