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Hemoccult test (Stool for Occult Blood)

Hemoccult Test (Stool for Occult Blood) 


  • To determine the presence or absence of blood in the stool or vomitus. 


  • Hemoccult tests are performed by a licensed nurse or physician as ordered by the physician. 


  • Gloves 

  • Applicators 

  • Hemoccult slide 

  • Hemoccult developer 


I. Preparation: 

  • Obtain a stool specimen in a clean container or bedpan. 

  • Put on gloves to maintain hygiene and prevent contamination. 

II. Collecting Specimen: 

  • Collect a small amount of the specimen on the applicator tip. 

III. Applying Specimen: 

  • Apply a thin smear of stool to the hemoccult slide. 

IV. Preparing Slide: 

  • Close the flap and turn the slide over. 

  • Open the flap on the other side and apply 1 drop of developer solution to each smear. 

V. Reading Results: 

  • Wait 30 seconds and read the results. 

  • Compare card with the positive/negative controls to determine test results. A blue ring or all blue spot is indicative of a positive test. 

VI. Discarding Materials: 

  • Discard the slide and applicator properly. 

  • If the test is positive, discard into a biohazardous waste container. 


  • Record the results of the Hemoccult test in the resident's medical record. 

  • Notify the physician of the test results, especially if positive. 

  • Document any relevant observations or instructions given by the physician following the test results. 

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