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Fracture Care Plan:



Patient is at risk for complications due to fracture.


Patient will have no complications related to the fracture (e.g., dislocation) for the next 90 days.


  1. Administer Pain Medications as Ordered:

    • Administer pain medications as prescribed by the physician.
    • Rationale: Managing pain is essential for patient comfort and compliance with movement and rehabilitation.
  2. Labs as Ordered:

    • Collect and monitor laboratory tests as ordered by the healthcare provider.
    • Rationale: Regular lab monitoring helps assess the patient's overall health and identifies any potential complications.
  3. Orthopedic Consult as Ordered:

    • Arrange for an orthopedic consultation as directed by the physician.
    • Rationale: Consulting with an orthopedic specialist ensures proper management of the fracture and minimizes complications.
  4. PT/OT Evaluation and Treatment as Ordered:

    • Conduct physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) evaluations and provide treatment as prescribed.
    • Rationale: PT and OT interventions aid in restoring mobility, strength, and functionality, reducing the risk of complications.
  5. Reposition Patient in Comfortable Position as Indicated:

    • Regularly reposition the patient to a comfortable position to prevent pressure sores and discomfort.
    • Rationale: Repositioning prevents skin breakdown and enhances patient comfort during recovery.
  6. Wear Sling as Needed:

    • Apply a sling to support the affected area as prescribed by the physician.
    • Rationale: A sling provides support, reduces strain, and promotes proper healing of the fracture.
  7. Monitor Cast if Any, QS for S/Sx of Complication (e.g., Skin Breakdown):

    • Regularly inspect any applied cast for signs of complications, such as skin breakdown or pressure points.
    • Rationale: Timely detection of cast-related issues prevents secondary complications and ensures proper healing.
  8. Monitor CSM (Circulation, Sensation, Movement) to Affected Extremities as Needed:

    • Assess and document circulation, sensation, and movement of the affected extremities according to medical orders.
    • Rationale: Monitoring CSM helps identify any vascular or neurological complications that may arise.

By adhering to this care plan, the medical team aims to manage the fracture effectively, prevent complications, and promote the patient's recovery over the next 90 days. Regular assessments, appropriate interventions, and collaboration with specialists contribute to the successful healing of the fracture and overall well-being of the patient.
