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A0050: Type of Record

 Coding Instructions for A0050, Type of Record 

Code 1, Add new record: if this is a new record that has not been previously submitted and accepted in iQIES. If this item is coded as 1, continue to A0100 Facility Provider Numbers. 

If there is an existing database record for the same resident, the same facility, the same reasons for assessment/tracking, and the same date (assessment reference date, entry date, or discharge date), then the current record is a duplicate and not a new record. In this case, the submitted record will be rejected and not accepted in iQIES and a “fatal” error will be reported to the facility on the Final Validation Report. 

Code 2, Modify existing record: if this is a request to modify the MDS items for a record that already has been submitted and accepted in the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES). 

If this item is coded as 2, continue to A0100, Facility Provider Numbers. When a modification request is submitted, iQIES will take the following steps: 

The system will attempt to locate the existing record in iQIES for this facility with the resident, reasons for assessment/tracking, and date (Assessment Reference Date (ARD), entry date, or discharge date) indicated in subsequent Section X items. 

If the existing record is not found, the submitted modification record will be rejected and not accepted in iQIES. A “fatal” error will be reported to the facility on the Final Validation Report. 

If the existing record is found, then the items in all sections of the submitted modification record will be edited. If there are any fatal errors, the modification record will be rejected and not accepted in iQIES. The “fatal” error(s) will be reported to the facility on the Final Validation Report. 

If the modification record passes all the edits, it will replace the prior recor 

d being modified in iQIES. The prior record will be moved to a history file in iQIES. 


Code 3, Inactivate existing record: if this is a request to inactivate a record that already has been submitted and accepted in iQIES. 

If this item is coded as 3, skip to X0150, Type of Provider. 

When an inactivation request is submitted, iQIES will take the following steps: 

The system will attempt to locate the existing record in iQIES for this facility with the resident, reasons for assessment/tracking, and date (ARD, entry date, or discharge date) indicated in subsequent Section X items. 

If the existing record is not found in iQIES, the submitted inactivation request will be rejected and a “fatal” error will be reported to the facility on the Final Validation Report. 

All items in Section X of the submitted record will be edited. If there are any fatal errors, the current inactivation request will be rejected and no record will be inactivated in iQIES. 

If the existing record is found, it will be removed from the active records in iQIES and moved to a history file. 

Identification of Record to be Modified/Inactivated 

The Section X items from X0200 through X0700 identify the existing iQIES assessment or tracking record that is in error. In this section, reproduce the information EXACTLY as it appeared on the existing erroneous record, even if the information is incorrect. This information is necessary to locate the existing record in the database. 

Example: A MDS assessment for Joan L. Smith is submitted and accepted by iQIES. A data entry error is then identified on the previously submitted and accepted record: The encoder mistakenly entered “John” instead of “Joan” when entering a prior assessment for Joan L. Smith. To correct this data entry error, the facility will modify the erroneous record and complete the items in Section X including items under Identification of Record to be Modified/Inactivated. When completing X0200A, the Resident First Name, “John” will be entered in this item. This will permit the MDS system to locate the previously submitted assessment that is being corrected. If the correct name “Joan” were entered, iQIES would not locate the prior assessment. 

The correction to the name from “John” to “Joan” will be made by recording “Joan” in the “normal” A0500A, Resident First Name in the modification record. The modification record must include all items appropriate for that assessment, not just the corrected name. This modification record will then be submitted and accepted into iQIES, which causes the desired correction to be made. 




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Manual Version 1.18.11    October 2023 


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