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Care Plan for Dialysis Patient

Care Plan for Dialysis Patient

Category / Primary Body System

  • Renal / Urinary System


  • Resident is a dialysis patient with potential for complications.


  • Resident will not experience any complications from dialysis for 90 days.


  1. Dialysis Management

    • Attend dialysis as scheduled
    • Communicate through dialysis communication book/form
  2. Access Site Care

    • Assess bruit/thrill every shift as ordered
    • Assess shunt for signs of infection
    • Monitor shunt for bleeding
  3. Fluid and Medication Management

    • Adhere to fluid restrictions as ordered
    • Administer medications at optimal times
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Educate patient and family on signs of complications and proper care of dialysis access site


  1. Dialysis Management

    • Regularly attending dialysis sessions ensures adequate removal of waste products and fluid, which is critical for managing end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
    • Using a communication book/form facilitates effective communication between the dialysis center and other healthcare providers, ensuring continuity of care.
  2. Access Site Care

    • Assessing the bruit/thrill ensures the vascular access is functioning properly.
    • Monitoring the shunt for signs of infection and bleeding helps in early detection and prompt intervention to prevent complications.
  3. Fluid and Medication Management

    • Adhering to fluid restrictions helps prevent fluid overload, which can lead to complications such as hypertension and heart failure.
    • Administering medications at optimal times maximizes their effectiveness and reduces the risk of interactions and side effects.
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Educating the patient and family empowers them to recognize early signs of complications and take appropriate actions to manage them.


  1. Dialysis Management

    • Ensure the patient attends all scheduled dialysis sessions, documenting attendance and any issues that arise.
    • Use a dialysis communication book/form to relay information between the dialysis center and healthcare providers, ensuring all relevant details are communicated.
  2. Access Site Care

    • Assess the bruit/thrill of the dialysis access site every shift, documenting findings and reporting any abnormalities.
    • Examine the shunt site for signs of infection (redness, warmth, swelling, discharge) and report any concerns to the healthcare provider immediately.
    • Monitor for bleeding at the shunt site and take appropriate action if bleeding occurs, including applying pressure and notifying the healthcare provider.
  3. Fluid and Medication Management

    • Adhere to prescribed fluid restrictions, educating the patient on the importance of limiting fluid intake.
    • Administer medications at optimal times, ensuring they are taken as prescribed and monitoring for any adverse effects.
  4. Patient and Family Education

    • Provide education to the patient and family on the signs and symptoms of potential complications (e.g., infection, clotting, bleeding) and proper care of the dialysis access site.
    • Offer written and verbal instructions on managing fluid restrictions and adhering to medication schedules.
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