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Interdisciplinary Care Plan for Sleep Apnea

Interdisciplinary Care Plan for Sleep Apnea

Category / Primary Body System

  • Respiratory System


  • Sleep Apnea


  • Resident will sleep for 6 to 8 hours per night for 30 days.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Observe respiratory status regularly
    • During apneic episodes, observe resident’s color and assess level of consciousness
    • Monitor and assess for any change in mental status
  2. Interventions During Apneic Episodes

    • Stimulate the resident during apneic episodes to resume normal breathing
    • Reposition the resident every 2 hours and as needed
  3. Diagnostic and Treatment Measures

    • Conduct sleep studies as ordered
    • Administer medications as ordered
  4. Environment and Lifestyle Modifications

    • Provide a calm and restful environment to promote sleep
    • Assess and address causative factors such as medications, diagnosis, obesity, and lung disease
    • Encourage and assist with weight management if obesity is a factor
  5. Psychological Support

    • Provide psychological support as needed
  6. Documentation and Communication

    • Document the resident’s response to treatment and any changes in condition


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Continuous monitoring of respiratory status and mental changes ensures early detection of complications, allowing for prompt intervention.
  2. Interventions During Apneic Episodes

    • Stimulating the resident during apneic episodes helps restore normal breathing patterns and prevent hypoxia.
    • Regular repositioning can reduce the risk of pressure ulcers and improve respiratory function.
  3. Diagnostic and Treatment Measures

    • Sleep studies help diagnose the severity of sleep apnea and guide treatment decisions.
    • Medications may be prescribed to manage underlying conditions or improve sleep quality.
  4. Environment and Lifestyle Modifications

    • A calm environment promotes better sleep quality, reducing the frequency and severity of apneic episodes.
    • Addressing causative factors and encouraging healthy lifestyle changes can improve overall health and reduce sleep apnea symptoms.
  5. Psychological Support

    • Providing psychological support helps address anxiety and stress, which can negatively impact sleep quality.
  6. Documentation and Communication

    • Accurate documentation ensures continuity of care and helps track the effectiveness of the care plan, allowing for adjustments as needed.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Observe and document the resident’s respiratory status every shift.
    • During apneic episodes, immediately assess the resident’s color and level of consciousness, stimulating as needed.
    • Regularly assess and document any changes in mental status.
  2. Interventions During Apneic Episodes

    • Stimulate the resident by gently shaking or calling their name during apneic episodes.
    • Reposition the resident every 2 hours and as needed to ensure comfort and optimal respiratory function.
  3. Diagnostic and Treatment Measures

    • Schedule and conduct sleep studies as ordered by the physician.
    • Administer prescribed medications, monitoring for effectiveness and any side effects.
  4. Environment and Lifestyle Modifications

    • Ensure the resident’s sleeping environment is quiet, dark, and comfortable.
    • Assess for and address any factors contributing to sleep apnea, including medication side effects, underlying diagnoses, obesity, and lung disease.
    • Provide or refer the resident to weight management resources if obesity is a contributing factor.
  5. Psychological Support

    • Offer psychological support through counseling or support groups as needed.
    • Provide a listening ear and emotional support to address any concerns related to sleep apnea.
  6. Documentation and Communication

    • Document the resident’s response to treatment, including any changes in respiratory status, mental status, and overall sleep quality.
    • Communicate any significant findings or changes to the healthcare team promptly.
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