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Care Plan for Pneumonia

Care Plan for Pneumonia

Category / Primary Body System

  • Respiratory System


  • Patient is at risk for complications due to pneumonia.


  • Patient will not exhibit signs or symptoms of respiratory distress every shift while on antibiotics.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Monitor for signs and symptoms of respiratory distress every shift and notify MD/NP if any (e.g., shortness of breath, increased respiratory rate, use of accessory muscles)
    • Check temperature every shift while on antibiotics
    • Monitor vital signs as needed
    • Check oxygen saturation as needed
    • Check lung sounds as ordered
  2. Medication and Treatment

    • Administer antibiotics as ordered
    • Administer nebulizer treatments as ordered
    • Provide oxygen via face mask or nasal cannula as ordered by MD/NP
  3. Hydration and Energy Conservation

    • Encourage fluid intake if not contraindicated
    • Encourage the patient to pace activities to conserve energy


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Regular monitoring of respiratory status helps in early detection of complications, enabling timely interventions.
    • Frequent temperature checks can detect fever, a common symptom of infection, which requires immediate attention.
    • Monitoring vital signs and oxygen saturation provides critical information about the patient’s respiratory and overall health status.
    • Regular lung sound assessments help identify changes in respiratory function, such as crackles or wheezes, indicating fluid accumulation or airway constriction.
  2. Medication and Treatment

    • Administering antibiotics as prescribed ensures effective treatment of the bacterial infection causing pneumonia.
    • Nebulizer treatments help deliver medication directly to the lungs, improving breathing and clearing secretions.
    • Providing supplemental oxygen ensures adequate oxygenation, especially if the patient is experiencing respiratory distress.
  3. Hydration and Energy Conservation

    • Adequate fluid intake helps thin respiratory secretions, making them easier to expel.
    • Pacing activities helps the patient conserve energy, reducing the risk of fatigue and exacerbating respiratory distress.


  1. Monitoring and Assessment

    • Monitor for signs of respiratory distress every shift, noting any shortness of breath, increased respiratory rate, or use of accessory muscles. Notify MD/NP immediately if any signs are observed.
    • Check and document temperature every shift while the patient is on antibiotics.
    • Monitor and document vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature) regularly and as needed.
    • Check oxygen saturation levels using a pulse oximeter as needed, documenting and reporting any levels below the prescribed threshold.
    • Auscultate lung sounds as ordered, documenting any findings such as crackles, wheezes, or diminished breath sounds.
  2. Medication and Treatment

    • Administer antibiotics according to the prescribed schedule, monitoring for effectiveness and side effects.
    • Provide nebulizer treatments as ordered, ensuring proper technique and patient comfort.
    • Administer supplemental oxygen via face mask or nasal cannula as ordered, adjusting the flow rate to maintain target oxygen saturation levels.
  3. Hydration and Energy Conservation

    • Encourage the patient to drink fluids regularly, unless contraindicated by other medical conditions.
    • Advise the patient to pace activities and provide assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) to conserve energy.
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A0100B. Facility CMS Certification Number (CCN), Step-by-Step Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 19:24
A0100C. State provider number Thursday, March 14, 2024 - 07:51
A0100C: State Provider Number, Step-by-Step Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 21:30
A0200 - Type of Provider, Step-by-Step Saturday, June 8, 2024 - 06:32
A0200: Type of Provider Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 08:57