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Care Plan for Infection

Care Plan for Infection

Category / Primary Body System

  • Immune System / Infectious Disease


  • Patient is at risk of complications due to infection.


  • Patient's infections will resolve without complications for 90 days.


  1. Precautionary Measures

    • Maintain appropriate precautions as indicated
  2. Temperature Monitoring

    • Check temperature every shift (Q shift) while on antibiotics
  3. Hydration and Nutrition

    • Encourage fluid intake if not contraindicated
    • Dietary consult as needed to ensure adequate nutrition
  4. Activity Management

    • Encourage the patient to pace activities to conserve energy
  5. Medication Management

    • Administer antibiotics as ordered
  6. Patient and Family Education

    • Educate the patient and/or family about infection prevention and management as needed


  1. Precautionary Measures

    • Following appropriate precautions helps prevent the spread of infection and protects both the patient and healthcare providers.
  2. Temperature Monitoring

    • Regular temperature checks allow for early detection of fever, indicating possible infection progression or complication, and prompt intervention.
  3. Hydration and Nutrition

    • Adequate fluid intake supports overall health and aids in the recovery process. Proper nutrition boosts the immune system and helps the body fight infection.
  4. Activity Management

    • Pacing activities helps conserve energy, allowing the body to focus on fighting the infection and recovering.
  5. Medication Management

    • Timely and accurate administration of antibiotics ensures effective treatment of the infection, reducing the risk of complications.
  6. Patient and Family Education

    • Educating the patient and family about infection helps them understand the importance of adherence to treatment and precautionary measures, improving outcomes and preventing recurrence.


  1. Precautionary Measures

    • Implement and maintain standard and transmission-based precautions as required (e.g., hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment).
  2. Temperature Monitoring

    • Measure and document the patient's temperature every shift while on antibiotics.
    • Report any temperature spikes or signs of fever to the physician immediately.
  3. Hydration and Nutrition

    • Encourage the patient to drink fluids regularly, unless contraindicated by medical conditions.
    • Arrange for a dietary consult to ensure the patient's nutritional needs are met and adjust the diet plan as necessary.
  4. Activity Management

    • Advise the patient to rest and avoid strenuous activities.
    • Schedule periods of activity and rest to prevent fatigue.
  5. Medication Management

    • Administer antibiotics as prescribed, adhering to the dosage and timing instructions.
    • Monitor the patient for any adverse reactions to medications and report them to the healthcare provider.
  6. Patient and Family Education

    • Provide education on infection control practices, including hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and wound care.
    • Discuss the importance of completing the full course of antibiotics.
    • Offer educational materials and answer any questions the patient or family may have.
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