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Care Plan for Advanced Directives

Care Plan for Advanced Directives

Category / Primary Body System

  • Legal/Ethical Considerations


  • Patient has advanced directives.


  • Patient or responsible party will participate in decision-making about advanced directives at least quarterly and as needed for 90 days.


  1. Order Verification and Adherence

    • Ensure there is an MD/RNP order for advanced directives
    • Adhere to the advanced directive order
  2. Communication and Documentation

    • Notify the responsible party of any significant changes in the patient's medical condition
    • Review advanced directives quarterly and as needed with the patient and/or responsible party
    • Ensure consent for the advanced directive is signed by the patient or responsible party
  3. Patient Rights and Privacy

    • Maintain privacy and dignity of the patient at all times
    • Respect the patient's wishes and treatment requests or refusals
  4. Consultation and Support

    • Consult a social worker as needed


  1. Order Verification and Adherence

    • Ensuring that there is an official order for advanced directives guarantees that the patient's end-of-life care preferences are recognized and respected.
    • Adhering to the advanced directive order ensures that care aligns with the patient's wishes.
  2. Communication and Documentation

    • Notifying the responsible party of significant changes in the patient’s condition keeps them informed and involved in decision-making.
    • Regular review of advanced directives ensures they remain up-to-date and reflective of the patient’s current wishes.
    • Ensuring consent for advanced directives is documented provides legal and ethical clarity.
  3. Patient Rights and Privacy

    • Maintaining privacy and dignity protects the patient’s personal and medical information, fostering a sense of respect and trust.
    • Respecting the patient’s treatment preferences honors their autonomy and personal values.
  4. Consultation and Support

    • Social worker consultations provide additional support and resources for both the patient and their family, helping them navigate complex decisions.


  1. Order Verification and Adherence

    • Verify that an MD/RNP order for advanced directives is in the patient's medical record.
    • Ensure all staff adhere to the advanced directive order, reviewing it regularly and following the specified care instructions.
  2. Communication and Documentation

    • Notify the responsible party immediately of any significant changes in the patient’s condition, documenting all communications.
    • Review advanced directives with the patient and/or responsible party quarterly and as needed, documenting any updates or changes.
    • Ensure that consent for advanced directives is signed by the patient or responsible party, and properly filed in the medical record.
  3. Patient Rights and Privacy

    • Maintain patient privacy by ensuring confidential handling of all personal and medical information.
    • Respect the patient’s treatment preferences by following their wishes as documented in the advanced directives, and documenting any treatment refusals or specific requests.
  4. Consultation and Support

    • Schedule consultations with a social worker as needed to support the patient and their family, providing additional guidance and resources.
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A1010D: Race - Asian Indian, Step-by-Step Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 11:34
A1010E. Race: Chinese, Step-by-Step Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 13:14
A1010F: Race - Filipino, Step-by-Step Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 14:34
A1010G: Race: Japanese, Step-by-Step Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 13:04
A1010I: Race - Vietnamese, Step-by-Step Monday, June 10, 2024 - 10:16