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A0100: Facility Provider Numbers

MDS 3.0 Item Coding Training Template

To guide MDS 3.0 nurses in accurately coding MDS 3.0 items, ensuring clear and consistent documentation.

Item: A0100 - Facility Provider Numbers

Understand the Importance:
Before starting the assessment, it's important to understand why "A0100 - Facility Provider Numbers" is assessed. This information is crucial for:

  • Tailoring patient care: A0100 may be used for resident care needs and discharge planning if needed.
  • Comprehensive resident records: A0100 provides detail necessary for comprehensive resident records.

Item Rationale:

Steps for Assessment:

  • Interview the Resident

    • Introduction: Approach the resident with respect and introduce yourself.
    • Explain the Question or what information you are looking for: Item: A0100. Use plain and respectful language.
  • Involve Family or Significant Other

    • Introduction: Introduce yourself to the family member or significant other and explain the importance of "A0100."
  • Step 4: Review Medical Records

    • Introduction: Access the resident's medical records with proper authorization.
    • Locate Information: Look for any documented information regarding "A0100."

Coding Instructions:

  • Coding Tips and Special Population:

    • Care plan considerations when developing care plans for this resident.
    • Person-Centered Care: Emphasize the importance of person-centered care for A0100. MDS assessments are used to develop care plans that should be tailored to each resident's unique needs and preferences.
  • Sample Care Plan Goals of A0100:

    • Utilize the Care Plan Section for samples of care plans.
    • [Link to Care Plan | MDS Learning Hub]
  • Teaching Summary of Item: A0100:

Ongoing Updates:

It is important to keep A0100 information up to date. If the resident's status changes, please update the resident's medical record with the consultation of the Primary Care Physician (PCP).

Quality Assurance:

Always double-check your assessment and coding to ensure the accuracy of A0100 coding. If there is any doubt or uncertainty, consult with a more experienced colleague or supervisor for guidance.

Practical Training Resources:

  • Utilize the Resident A - Chart area for hands-on coding practice.
  • [Link to Resident A - Chart | MDS Learning Hub]
  • Utilize the Nursing Home Comprehensive (NC) Item Set for skill development and practice.
  • [Link to Nursing Home Comprehensive (NC) Item Set | MDS Learning Hub]
  • Look up in the MDS 3.0 Manual on Pg [Link to Resident A - Chart | MDS Learning Hub]

Conclusion/Key Points: A0100 - Facility Provider Numbers

  • Resident Rights and Ethics: This includes obtaining informed consent for assessments, respecting privacy, and maintaining confidentiality.
  • Critical Thinking: Nurses should be able to identify inconsistencies in documentation, ask questions, and seek clarification from other team members when needed.
  • Cultural Competency: Residents from diverse backgrounds may have unique needs and preferences that should be considered.
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