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Significant Correction of a Completed Prior Quarterly Assessment

The process for making a Significant Correction to a Prior Quarterly Assessment within the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 framework is designed to address and correct significant inaccuracies identified after a quarterly assessment has been completed and submitted. This mechanism ensures that the resident's clinical record accurately reflects their current status, which is crucial for appropriate care planning, regulatory compliance, and accurate reporting. Here is an overview of this process, including its purpose, timing, and necessary steps.


The significant correction process for a prior quarterly assessment is intended to rectify substantial errors that could misrepresent the resident's condition or needs. This is crucial for ensuring that care planning is based on accurate and up-to-date information, and for maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

Timing and Criteria:

  • Identification of Significant Errors: A significant error might be identified in a quarterly assessment when inaccuracies in the recorded information could lead to inappropriate care planning, affect the facility’s quality measures, or impact regulatory compliance.
  • Timing for Corrections: Upon identifying a significant error in a previously completed and submitted quarterly assessment, the facility must initiate the correction process immediately. The corrected assessment should be completed and submitted within 14 days after the error is identified.

Process for Making Corrections:

  1. Assessment Reference Date (ARD) Setting: Set a new ARD for the correction of the quarterly assessment. This new ARD should be chosen to reflect the time frame in which the error was identified and to accurately represent the resident's current status as of that new ARD.

  2. Completion of the Corrected Assessment: Complete the corrected quarterly assessment, ensuring that all identified inaccuracies are addressed. The corrected assessment should accurately reflect the resident's status at the time of the new ARD, correcting the specific errors identified.

  3. Documentation and Submission: Document the corrected assessment appropriately, including a clear explanation of the reasons for the correction and details of the changes made. Then, submit the corrected MDS to the CMS database in accordance with CMS guidelines.

  4. Care Plan Review and Modification: After the submission of the corrected assessment, the interdisciplinary team must review the resident’s care plan and make any necessary revisions. This ensures that the care plan is based on the most accurate and current assessment data.

Key Points:

  • Interdisciplinary Team Involvement: The identification and correction of significant errors in a quarterly assessment require collaboration among members of the interdisciplinary team. This collaborative approach ensures a thorough review and accurate representation of the resident's needs.

  • Ensuring Accurate Care Planning: Corrections to quarterly assessments are vital for maintaining the integrity of the care planning and delivery process. Accurate assessments ensure that residents receive individualized care that meets their current needs.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to the process for making significant corrections to prior quarterly assessments is essential for compliance with CMS regulations. It demonstrates the facility's commitment to providing high-quality care and maintaining accurate records.

In conclusion, the process for making a Significant Correction to a Prior Quarterly Assessment is a critical aspect of managing resident care and documentation within the MDS 3.0 framework. It ensures that care planning and interventions are always based on the most accurate, relevant, and current information, thereby supporting the delivery of high-quality, person-centered care.

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