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Elopement Risk

Care Plan for Managing Elopement Risk

Category / Primary Body System

  • Safety and Security


  • Resident is at risk for elopement.


  • Resident will not leave the facility without a responsible person accompanying them for the next 90 days.


  1. Monitoring and Supervision

    • Monitor the resident’s whereabouts at all times to ensure safety and prevent elopement.
    • Escort the resident to and from activities and the dining room to maintain supervision during transitions.
  2. Education and Awareness

    • Educate the resident’s family about elopement risks and document this education in the LOA book.
    • Ensure all staff are aware of the resident’s elopement risk and understand their role in monitoring and preventing elopement.
  3. Diversional Activities

    • Encourage the resident to participate in diversional activities to reduce restlessness and wandering.
  4. Alert Systems and Identification

    • Alert receptionists and other frontline staff about the resident’s potential to elope.
    • Keep an up-to-date photo of the resident at the front desk for quick identification.
    • Ensure the resident wears a wander guard bracelet at all times, checking regularly for proper functioning according to manufacturer guidelines.
  5. Environmental Safety

    • Monitor exit doors, windows, and elevators to ensure they are secure and alarmed if necessary.
    • Redirect the resident if they are confused and wandering, providing reassurance and guidance.
  6. Emergency Procedures

    • Notify authorities immediately if the resident successfully leaves the building unescorted to ensure their safe return.
  7. Regular Assessments

    • Perform an elopement risk assessment on admission and quarterly to identify changes in risk and adjust care plans accordingly.


  1. Monitoring and Supervision

    • Constant monitoring and escorting during transitions prevent the resident from wandering off unnoticed.
  2. Education and Awareness

    • Educating family and staff ensures everyone involved is aware of the risks and understands their roles in preventing elopement.
  3. Diversional Activities

    • Engaging the resident in activities can reduce the likelihood of wandering by keeping them occupied and content.
  4. Alert Systems and Identification

    • Alert systems and identification measures help quickly locate and return the resident if they attempt to elope.
  5. Environmental Safety

    • Securing the environment reduces the opportunities for the resident to exit the facility unsupervised.
  6. Emergency Procedures

    • Immediate notification to authorities ensures a quick response to elopement, increasing the chances of a safe return.
  7. Regular Assessments

    • Regular risk assessments ensure the care plan is up-to-date and responsive to any changes in the resident’s condition.


  1. Monitoring and Supervision

    • Assign staff to monitor the resident’s whereabouts at all times and document observations.
    • Escort the resident to and from activities and dining areas, ensuring they are supervised during transitions.
  2. Education and Awareness

    • Provide education sessions for the resident’s family about elopement risks and document in the LOA book.
    • Conduct staff briefings to ensure everyone is aware of the resident’s elopement risk and their responsibilities.
  3. Diversional Activities

    • Offer and encourage participation in various activities to keep the resident engaged and reduce restlessness.
  4. Alert Systems and Identification

    • Notify receptionists and other key staff about the resident’s elopement risk.
    • Keep an updated photo of the resident at the front desk for easy identification.
    • Check the functionality of the wander guard bracelet regularly and replace as needed according to manufacturer guidelines.
  5. Environmental Safety

    • Regularly inspect exit doors, windows, and elevators to ensure they are secure and alarms are functioning.
    • Redirect and reassure the resident if they appear confused and begin to wander.
  6. Emergency Procedures

    • Develop and follow a protocol for immediate notification to authorities if the resident elopes, documenting the incident and response.
  7. Regular Assessments

    • Perform elopement risk assessments on admission and quarterly, documenting findings and updating the care plan as needed.
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