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Understanding and Coding MDS 3.0 Item GG0170A5: Roll Left and Right (OBRA/Interim Performance)

Understanding and Coding MDS 3.0 Item GG0170A5: Roll Left and Right (OBRA/Interim Performance)


MDS Item GG0170A5 evaluates a resident's ability to roll left and right during OBRA or interim assessments. This helps track changes in the resident’s functional mobility, ensuring their care plan is updated accordingly.

What is MDS Item GG0170A5?

GG0170A5 measures how much assistance the resident needs to roll from side to side in bed. This is an essential part of OBRA/interim assessments, used to adjust care based on the resident’s current mobility.

Guidelines for Coding GG0170A5

Coding Instructions:
Use the six-point performance scale:

  • 06 (Independent): The resident can roll without assistance.
  • 05 (Setup or clean-up assistance): The resident can roll, but someone needs to prepare the environment.
  • 04 (Supervision or touching assistance): The resident requires supervision or light touch.
  • 03 (Partial/moderate assistance): The resident performs more than half the task but needs help with the rest.
  • 02 (Substantial/maximal assistance): The resident can complete less than half the task.
  • 01 (Dependent): The resident is fully dependent on the helper for the activity.

Example Scenario:
Resident G requires assistance rolling onto their left side but can roll back on their own. Code GG0170A5 as 03 (Partial/moderate assistance).

Best Practices for Accurate Coding


Record the resident’s usual performance across the last three days of the OBRA or interim assessment period.


Ensure accurate communication between caregivers and interdisciplinary teams to reflect the resident’s true abilities.


Provide staff training on how to assess rolling performance using the six-point scale without influencing the resident's movements.


Accurate coding of GG0170A5 ensures timely updates to the resident’s care plan and provides valuable insights into changes in functional mobility.

Click here to see a detailed Step-by-Step on how to complete this item set.


Refer to CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024, Chapter 3, Page GG-47.


This guide is based on CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024. It is essential to consult the latest manual for any updates.

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