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Developing a care plan: Management of Behavioral Symptoms

Developing a care plan is an essential part of managing challenging behaviors in residents. The following points explain the process of developing a care plan:

  1. Decide which behavior changes are realistic to expect the resident to make: The first step in developing a care plan is to determine which behaviors the resident is capable of changing. Instead, setting goals for reducing the frequency or intensity of the behavior may be more achievable.

  2. List possible causes: Once the goals are established, it is essential to identify the possible causes of the behavior. This step involves reviewing the resident's medical history, medications, and any recent changes in their environment. This information can help identify triggers that may be contributing to the behavior.

  3. Describe specific steps needed to treat causes: After identifying the possible causes of the behavior, specific steps can be taken to address each cause. For example, if a resident is exhibiting aggressive behavior due to pain, the pain management protocol can be implemented to address this cause.

  4. Orient all staff to the plan to ensure consistency: All staff members, including caregivers and healthcare providers, should be informed of the care plan and any changes made to it. This ensures that everyone is aware of the goals and steps to be taken to achieve them, which promotes consistency in care delivery.

  5. Evaluate the plan of care by examining behavior monitoring records to see that the target behavior has decreased: The final step is to evaluate the effectiveness of the care plan by monitoring the resident's behavior and documenting any changes. If the target behavior has decreased, the care plan can be considered successful, and adjustments can be made as needed.

In summary, developing a care plan involves setting realistic goals, identifying possible causes of the behavior, describing specific steps to treat each cause, orienting staff members to the plan, and evaluating the plan's effectiveness.