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MDS Item GG0170S5, Wheel 150 Feet (OBRA/Interim Performance)

MDS Item GG0170S5 – Wheel 150 Feet (OBRA/Interim Performance)


Accurate assessment of residents' mobility is essential in creating effective care plans, especially for those who use wheelchairs. MDS Item GG0170S5 assesses a resident's ability to wheel themselves 150 feet during OBRA or Interim assessments, helping healthcare providers track performance and mobility changes during their stay.

What is MDS Item GG0170S5?

MDS Item GG0170S5 is designed to assess the resident's capability to mobilize themselves 150 feet using a wheelchair or scooter during an OBRA or Interim performance assessment. It captures the level of independence or assistance required during the observation period.

Guidelines for Coding GG0170S5

  • Coding Scale:
    • 06: Independent
    • 05: Setup or clean-up assistance
    • 04: Supervision or touching assistance
    • 03: Partial/moderate assistance
    • 02: Substantial/maximal assistance
    • 01: Dependent
    • 07, 09, 10, 88: Activity not attempted (various reasons)


  • The resident’s performance is based on the amount of assistance they need to mobilize the full 150 feet.
  • If a resident uses a motorized wheelchair or scooter, they must be observed wheeling the distance themselves or with supervision.
  • Consider using the resident's typical level of performance during this period.
Example Scenario:

Resident A is able to wheel 150 feet but requires verbal cues from a nursing assistant to avoid obstacles. In this case, GG0170S5 would be coded as 04 (Supervision or touching assistance).

Best Practices for Accurate Coding

  • Documentation: Accurately document the distance the resident can wheel, ensuring it reflects their typical performance.
  • Communication: Collaborate with therapists to gather detailed information about the resident’s mobility.
  • Training: Ensure all staff involved in the assessment process are trained in wheelchair mobility coding.


Correctly coding GG0170S5 ensures a resident’s wheelchair mobility is appropriately assessed, allowing the care team to make informed decisions about their care and mobility needs.

Click here to see a detailed Step-by-Step on how to complete this item set.


CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024, Chapter 3, Page GG-67 .

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