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MDS 3.0 Item F0400E: Resident Interview - Choosing Own Bedtime

MDS 3.0 Item F0400E: Resident Interview - Choosing Own Bedtime


Purpose: The ability to choose one’s own bedtime is an important aspect of maintaining independence and dignity for residents in long-term care settings. MDS Item F0400E assesses whether a resident has been asked about their preference for choosing when to go to bed. Respecting the resident’s bedtime preference is crucial for promoting comfort, satisfaction, and a person-centered approach to care.

What is MDS Item F0400E?

Explanation: MDS Item F0400E is part of Section F: Preferences for Customary Routine and Activities. It evaluates whether the resident was asked about their preference for determining their own bedtime. This item focuses on understanding when the resident prefers to go to bed, allowing care staff to respect their desired routine. By honoring the resident’s bedtime preferences, facilities can help foster a sense of control and enhance the resident’s overall well-being.

Guidelines for Conducting and Coding MDS Item F0400E

Conducting the Interview: During the resident interview, ask about their preferred bedtime and nighttime routine. Possible questions include:

  • What time do you usually like to go to bed?
  • Do you have any specific routines you follow before going to bed (e.g., reading, watching TV)?
  • Would you like to decide when to go to bed each night, or do you prefer a set schedule?

The interview should aim to understand the resident’s preferred bedtime and how much independence they desire over their sleep schedule.

Interview Techniques:

  • Conduct the interview in a private, quiet setting where the resident feels comfortable.
  • Use clear, simple questions and allow the resident time to respond thoughtfully.
  • For residents with communication challenges, involve family members or caregivers who may know the resident’s bedtime preferences.

Coding Instructions: The coding for MDS Item F0400E depends on whether the resident was asked about their preference for choosing their bedtime. The coding options are:

  • 0 - No: The resident was not asked about their preference for choosing their bedtime or does not express a desire to choose.
  • 1 - Yes: The resident was asked about their preference and expressed a desire to choose their bedtime.

Example Scenario: If a resident indicates during the interview that they prefer to go to bed at 9:30 PM and want control over their bedtime routine, you would code F0400E as 1 - Yes. If the resident is not asked about their preference or does not express a preference, you would code 0 - No.

Best Practices for Accurate Coding

Respecting Preferences: After conducting the interview, ensure that the resident’s bedtime preferences are respected in their care plan. If the resident expresses a desire to choose their own bedtime, staff should accommodate this as much as possible while maintaining their overall care needs.

Documentation: Document the resident’s responses during the interview, noting their preferred bedtime and any nighttime routines they follow. If the resident cannot express their preferences due to cognitive or communication issues, involve family members or caregivers.

Communication: Share the resident’s bedtime preferences with the interdisciplinary care team to ensure that everyone is aware of how to support the resident in maintaining their desired routine.

Training: Provide training for staff on the importance of respecting resident preferences, including bedtime. Staff should be familiar with each resident’s nighttime routine and be able to adjust care practices to accommodate the resident’s wishes while ensuring safety and comfort.


Summary: MDS Item F0400E is essential for assessing whether residents in long-term care are given the opportunity to choose their bedtime. Conducting this interview and accurately coding it helps ensure that residents' preferences are respected, leading to improved satisfaction and quality of life.

Click here to see a detailed Step-by-Step on how to complete this item set.


This guide is based on the CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024, Page F-2.


Please note that the information provided in this guide for MDS 3.0 Item F0400E: "Resident Interview - Choosing Own Bedtime" was originally based on the CMS's Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.19.1, October 2024. Every effort will be made to update it to the most current version. The MDS 3.0 Manual is typically updated every October. If there are no changes to the Item Set, there will be no changes to this guide.

This guidance is intended to assist healthcare professionals, particularly new nurses or MDS coordinators, in understanding and applying the correct procedures for this item within MDS 3.0. Additionally, this guide refrains from handling personal patient data and does not provide medical or legal advice.

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