Staff Development Coordinator Training


  • Job description 
  • Staff Development policies 
  • Overview of responsibilities of staff development 
  • Leadership and accountability 
  • Nursing service policy/procedure books 

Educational/Inservice calendar 

  • Calendar year projection 
  • Monthly calendar 
  • Mandatory Inservice 
  • -State/ federal requirements/regulation  
  • -OBRA 
  • -OSHA 
  •                   -Bloodborne pathogens 
  •                   -Body mechanics 
  •                   -Employ health - physical exam, PPD, Hep B 
  •  Intradepartmental requirements 
  • Consult requirements 
  • Facility needs/requirements for all shifts 

Orientation guidelines 

  • General orientation 
  • Job specific orientation 
  •                 - Licensed staff/CNA/supervisor
  •                -Other department responsibilities 
  •                 -Job descriptions 

Record/Tracking documentation  

  • ECS Training, if applicable 
  • Inservice Education sign- in sheets 
  • Individual Inservice Attendance sheet 
  • Calendars- process signed by Medical  
  •                Director, DNS Administrator 
  • Training requirements 
  •     -Orientation hrs./corporate compliance   hrs.' 
  •                  -4 hr. Job specific (July 1 - June 30) 
  •                  -CPR requirements (Lic. staff) 
  •                  -12 hrs./yr. - CNAs 

 Emergency Preparedness 

  • Fire safety 
  • Emergency codes 
  • Drill/documentation


  • Supplies 
  • Seminars 

Use of facility properly 

  • Computer 
  • Projector  
  • Phone 
  • Other 

Other topics covered 

ALL THE ABOVE AREAS HAS BEEN COVERED WITH ME DURING MY ORIENTATION. For any area not experienced or covered during orientation, I understand that I need to ask for help training when these issues arise 


Staff Development taxonomy